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What the fuck appears to be wrong with this picture?

Oh, wait, you can't see it

Let me describe it

It's my family photo from Christmas when I was 7

I'm on the outskirts

Being ignored

My cousins





And Grandparents

Not caring or noticing

The broken girl

When you ask why I hate them

I show this picture

Ask them what THEY think

Everyone answers one of two ways


That girl doesn't like pictures


The girl doesn't like her family because she is going through her rebellious faze

No one thinks about option three

That maybe she was rapped

Or sexually assaulted

Doesn't trust her family

Just because they betrayed it

Next time think before you say something

Hear everyone's side of the story

Pay attention to the picture

Notice the words it says

Maybe you won't have to worry

But I have to since I'm that girl

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