A Message To Anyone Who's Ever Known the "Real" Me

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A message to anyone who's ever known the "real" me:

Why can't you understand?
I really am broken
I was shattered at the ripe yet young age of five
Or was it six? Maybe it was even earlier...
I lost track when I shoved those memories down

Why can't you understand
Why I refuse to trust people
Why I hide anything that happens
Why I act strong... especially when I'm not
Why something so small to you can set me off in an instant

Did you not realize:
I was depressed
I have PTSD
I was hurt
I was threatened
I wasn't normal

Can you except me even though
I'm NO way in HEAVEN or HELL straight
I don't believe in God
I was sexually abused
I am literally trash that no one seems to want
I'm one of those freaks

Why can't you understand I just want to be loved?

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