- Chapter 1 -

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AN: Hi guy's!
Just a quick note before the story starts. This can have some spoilers from the last jedi, just to make it clear :)

(Y/N) - Your name

I would also love to hear you're thoughts about the story :) enjoy!
Ps: just a small introducing chapter to the story :)

Running throught the woods was almost a relase for you now. The footsteps behind came closer and closer.  A smile came  grew on your face, while you run around the trees. A small laughter could be heard behind you. You're fot got stuck in some root and you fell down. It was not a soft landing to say it at least. «Y/N, are you alright?» you started breathing again and got up on your feet again. «I'm fine, Ben...» He looked you up and down, trying to see if he belived you or not.. «are you shure?» you nodded once more.

«We should maybe go back to the others, you know what Luke always say» Ben smiled down at you. «A jedi always know when they are needed, you should always be around where you are needed.....» you said with your mocking voice. Ben laughed and shaked his head lightly. «Or more like» He put on his serious face and put his hands behind his back. «A young padwan have no time too fool around for some childish games, not when you can train to be the best jedi !» you laughed at him. Ben's impressions were much better than yours, you gave him that one. «I think making fun of you're master ain't what a Jedi does, young Solo.... Kenobi» both of you stiffen by the sound of Luke's voice.

«We were just having fun, uncle... we didn't mean to offend you, master» Ben looked down on his feets, just as you did. «I know, Ben.. you are still kids, i remember when I was 10 myself, soo you are both getting away with a warning this time» your eyes met Ben's and a smiled could be seen on both of you're faces.  «Come on kids, time to head back to the Academy, we have alot to work on» both of you followed Luke back to the academy.

You returned to your room with a smile. You had known Ben Solo for years, and you had somewhat a bond, a unbreakable bond. Like our parents before us.


As hours became day's and day's until years... you had grown up to a young lady, 18 allready. Every summer you used to go home, sometimes Ben stayed at the academy... and other times he went home to Leia or went with Han and Chewbacca... this year he would stay, and you would to.

No one understood what he went through, not even you. You could sense the pull in him, and his strenght. Maybe this summer could be the summer where both of you could work everything out togheter. And decide what should happend next..

Only time will see what the force have in plan for you .

Last Grey Jedi (kylo ren x reader) (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now