- Chapter 12 -

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Hours went by, and you had a hard time trying  to relax. It was not that you hated the fact that you was going to marry Kylo Ren.. it was more like the shock of it all, the revelation that you aren't going to get away from the first order any time soon, or ever. You had hoped to get back to another planet, make a home, be around your brother and friends once more. «Trust in the boy, you must» Master Yoda's words were going on repeat in your head. If he told you to trust Kylo Ren, maybe you should try..

You got up from the bed, and grabbed your holopad. Thankfully it was easy to send Kylo a message. If the marriage were going to happend, you both need to set up some rules.. the last thing anyone wanted was a dysfunctional marriage. The feeling of guilt for reacting the way you did were heavy in your chest. He did actually look hurt. The door opened and Kylo came inside, without his helmet. He must have stopped using it. «You wanted to speak with me?» You nodded slowly, giving him a gesture to sit down on the couch with you.

When both of you sat down, you looked at him. «Did I interupt you?» He raised his brow slowly. «Soo, you ask me to come over just to ask if you interupted me?» The amusement in his voice almost made you smile. «No, I wanted to talk about the marriage, really» Kylo's expresion went emotionless, as his breathing slowly faded. «Oh» could be heard coming throught his lips. «No,no,no... not like that... I just want to make sure how you feel about it, and how we can make this work the best way as possible...» Kylo seemed suprised by your words. «Wait, you are fine with this?» You sighed slowly and raised your shoulders, before looking up on him. «Well, I'm scared... but I think that is normal... We were supposed to marry eachother once, maybe we can work things out again?»

Kylo stood up, and started to walk back and forth with his hands behind his back. He looked like to be in deep thoughts. «I think we can manage to make us both pleased with the agreement... We are not the same people we were back then, yet I still belive we can have a future as equals» He spoke softly, still in his deep thoughts. «We both have grown, been in different situations that might have changed us.. we choosed different path's, but maybe this could be a new chance for both of us?» Kylo stopped in his tracks and looked over at you. «Maybe.. we managed to live togheter on Naboo without killing eachother.. but you know Supreme leader want us to make a child?»

That was the scariest part. You don't think it would be any problem with the intimacy with Kylo, not at all... but the fear of bringing a child in to this, and for what? To let it be trained as a weapon for the first order like Kylo had been? «I know... I still have some mixed feelings about that» You looked down on your hands. Kylo walked over to you and sat down on his knees in front of you. «What kind of mixed feelings?» Your eyes met his. You could see the fear in them, he was afraid of the answer. «A child are not something you make to train as a weapon.... It's made out of love, and I'm scared to bring a new innocent life into this world, to see it get crushed and used infront of my eyes»

The way Snoke had spoken about you're bloodlines, how they would make a powerful child or children for that matter... Snoke's word confirmed your fear, your fear of letting someone use your child, like he had used Kylo for his powers.. fear of seeing your child get broken into pieces in front of you, and suffer the same way Kylo had done... It was scary, and it allready made your chest feel heavy. «I've seen it before, and the fear of seeing it again... with a child of our own... it's devastating» The way you had seen Kylo's family be thorn apart, the forever ending sorrow you had felt and seen in Leia... You were truly scared to see it happend again.. with you.. «hey... I promise, I would never let that happend... I will be a better father than my own ever was, I will prodect my children with my life, no one is ever going to use them like that» He took your hands in his, and gave them a squeeze.

«Let's conntinue this conversation when we get there? Promise me you don't let this fear go to your mind» You nodded and hugged him. You don't know why you did it, but ot felt right. Kylo were baffled, but hugged you back. Your wall were breaking down bit for bit, the more you were around Kylo, the more of your wall fell apart. «Thank you...For being kind to me» You let go of him and got up. You knew he was a man with almost no emotions, he had almost forgotten how it felt to care for someone else. 

You walked over to the window and looked at the stars. They seemed to shine brighter tonight. «Do you think we can make this work?» You felt Kylo came up behind you, before he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist. «I know, that if we trust eachother, work togheter... and do our best... we might get throught anything that is going to happend too us» He rested his head on your shoulder. His gesture made you smile. You felt you could trust him, and the fact that he actually tried this hard to show any feelings at all.. you couldn't ask for more. «I think you are right»

Kylo spent some more time with you, just to make sure you were doing alright. Somehow he started to care, like he did when he was the weak man he used to be. He wanted you to feel happy and safe, and when you told him the fear of having children, something in him broke.. He had never thought about Snoke's word like that.. or that he ever were used because of his powers.. He remember his father words, about Snoke using him.. but it couldn't be true.

The doors to the throneroom openened and he walked up in front of the supreme leader and kneeled in front of him. «Kylo Ren» Snoke's raspy voice filled the room once more.  «Have you made the princess trust you?» Kylo didn't look at him. «Her trust is almost mine, supreme leader. She is opening up» A small growl could be heard from Snoke as he stood up from his throne. «You know why I ask you, the master of the knights of Ren, the greatest warrior the galaxy has seen, to marry this princess?» Infact, Kylo was not really sure of his reasions, he didn't really see himself as a family man, not anymore.

«The princess of the light, she is powerful, both in the force and with the light itself.» Snoke started to walk thowards him. «She bears the trust and hope of the galaxy on her shoulders, and you have been closer to her than anyone ever has... You are the only one who can earn her trust» Kylo looked up on his master who had stopped in front of him. «You need to earn her trust, let her give you the last piece to become the most powerful being you can be! You may not have alot of time left, my young apprentice» Kylo narrowed his brows in confusion. He didn't really know what Snoke was talking about.

«Supreme leader, What power might that be?» Kylo had never really heard of any type of power that could make him more powerful than before.. He wanted that, but another part of him could not use you to get that kind of power. «If the princess trust you enough, she will give you the most powerful gift of them all... the kiss of the light» Snoke sneerled, as a small smile could be seen on his face. «But you need to gain it fast! Her light is fadeing, and soon... she will be no more!» Snoke dismissed him.

As Kylo arrived at his own chambers, he couldn't get the words out of his head. It should not be possible that your light were fadeing.. how could he not have noticed this? How or when did that even start to happend? Is it possible to stop it from fading? Is it because of the dark? Kylo felt lost, scared and confused.. something he hadn't felt in a very long time. He felt scared, because if the light truly were fadeing you would die... lost because he didn't know how to stop it, and confused of how this was even possible.


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