-Chapter 15 -

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The reality hit quick

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The reality hit quick. Only a few months into the marriage you had learned the day before the wedding was just talk, sweet talk to get you to belive him. Kylo Ren had no interest in you, he was not interested in your well being or the child he had worked to get you pregnant with.

Even though you hated everything around the situation, and how everything became how i is.. You felt happy, somehow. Just as your belly grew bigger, the light grew with it. Kylo were more distant than ever. It didn't really shock you, he didn't want it or understand it. a soft sigh left your lips as you stood up and got dressed for the day.

the black dress were good to hide the growing belly, even if it was hard to hide it any longer. you put your hair up in a ponytail and went out to the living eria. the first order had got what they wanted, soo far they were in controll. the door opened and Kylo came inside. Your eyes went over to him. There was no expression on his face as usual, just a soulless robot as always. "You are ready to meet the supreme leader" His voice broke the silence between you. "I am" you got up and walked over to his side.

there was nothing to say, not to him anyways. you followed close behind as he lead the way thowards the elivator. you knew about his little bond with the girl from Jakku. You had catched him a few times. The girl was strong, almost equal if not stronger than Kylo himself. Something about their bond gave you hope, hope that something in him could change sometime.

As the elivator doors closed and it started to move, a very unpleasant feeling struck you. something about the meeting was not right. you looked over at Kylo. All his scars had healed by now, and he looked more like how he used to. "why does he want to meet me?" You narrowed your brows. Kylo didn't even try to answer you and kept quiet for the whole trip.

When the doors opened, you just followed behind him and greeted Snoke who sat at his Throne. "I see you both followed what I asked?" his raspy vaice echoed throught the room. you looked over at him as Kylo got up. "I can sense the light in you are stronger, Lady Ren" The way he looked at you made you shiver. You answered with a small nod. "I think she is ready to fulfill my plan, Comander" you looked over at Kylo. Something was clearly wrong. "she is indeed, supreme leader" he just gave a quick nod as he walked over to the entrance.

the feeling got stronger as you thought about it. "What is going on?" you backed off a little before you were catched by an invisable  force. you wanted to scream as you were lifted of the ground. "You have served well.. and now it's time to take what I've waited for" Snoke's little evil chuckle made your blood freeze in your vains. "The light you carry inside you is finally strong enough for me to take" you looked over at Kylo in horror. "he knew all along, princess.. You have no one"

You screamed in pain as you felt your body broke into pieces. You couldn't hold the tears back as the pain only got worse and worse by each secound. The feeling of the light started to dissapear from you as the room got brighter. When you opened your eyes you could see the light in front of you. A small ball, bright as the sun before everything went into darkness and you hit the ground.


An: the story is soon coming to an end. i'm sorry that it has been long since I've updated this, but 2018 was a crappy year for me in soo mqny ways.

I know this chaper is really short, but I hope you like it and Please let me know what you think in the comments :)

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