Chapter 22 | Fake daing

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C H A P T E R  2 2
| F A K E  D A T I N G |

"So how was your date?" I asked slightly grinning.

"It was amazing" she replied honestly.

I was happy that she was happy. Although I knew that Riley is a huge player I couldn't ruin her happiness. And I've never heard Riley go on dates.

"Where'd he take you?" I asked.

"We went to the movies and watched a horror movie-" she started sounding slightly disgusted.

"You don't like horror movies?" I asked noticing her slight change in tone.

"No, in fact I hate them. Riley realised and tried to make another plan instead. I refused knowing he's been wanting to watch it for ages. Whenever the horror parts came on, my eyes would slide over to Riley-"

"Ew" I interrupted but she went on.

"And that was it. He kissed me goodnight and here we are" she finished.

"I'm gonna have to get used to the words Riley and Maya" I said more to myself.

"Anyway, is it possible if I could talk to Luke" I said smoothly.

"Using me to get to him, smooth Lana" she grinned on the other line.

I denied it. "No, I just need to tell him something really important. I have to ask, is he in a good mood?" I asked.

She sounded confused. "Yeah why?"

"No reason"

"I get it, your gonna declare your love for him" she said in a dreamy voice.

"No-" I started.

"Don't worry I get it. I'll send you his number" she interrupted before hanging up.

I took a deep breath trying to figure out how I'll break the news to Luke.

A minute later I received a text from Maya.

Here's his number. I know expressing your love for someone is hard so good luck. I'll always be here for you if he rejects you xx.

And below was his number. I rolled my eyes. Expressing my love to him. Like that's ever gonna happen.

I dialled in his phone number and he picked up in the first call.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey it's Lana. I just have to say, you're a really great friend. And you'd do anything for a friend right?" I asked getting straight to it.

He sighed. "What did you do now Lana?"

"Promise me  you won't get angry"

"Just tell me" he pleaded.

"My mom wants you to come over to meet her" I blurted out shutting my eyes and waiting for his response.

He didn't groan. He simply remained calm. "Ok"

"Even if your my fake boyfriend?" I rushed saying it quietly.

"What?!" He exclaimed in an angry tone.

"I'm sorry. It's just that she kept pressuring me about how my boyfriend's Mike. I told her we're not together but she didnt believe me. She asked for evidence. And I said-" I started rambling on.

"Me? You couldn't make up a name?" He asked frustrated.

"I was put on the spot, it wasn't my fault!" I sighed exasperated.

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