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I stepped out of my car and pushed on my sunglasses.

The summer had swept in just in time. I started walking towards the familiar park that I haven't walked in for a whole year. Boarding school was horrible at the start. Making friends was easy, but getting along everyday without my friends especially Luke was difficult. For the first month I'd always wake up with the image of Luke's broken face. The memory engraved in my mind, his sadness and pained expression. Guilt had overwhelmed me so much that I'd always pull out my phone and switched onto Luke's message. Then I'd remind myself to pull it together.

The first month was difficult but then I realised I had to move on. I had to get on with the fact that Luke's probably onto another girl and I'm the only one still stuck on the same place.

So I kinda did. I focused on my friends at boarding school and focused on school. I felt happier than the first month. I made close connections with some people but never met another guy. A few guys hit on me but I just avoided them.

When it came to the last day I found it hard to leave. I had settled down here and now leaving my friends was hard.

But seeing Maya and Luke excited me.

I walked past the spot I had told Charlotte to meet me and she was there. Standing with denim shorts and my pink top. She stole it. I knew she would've, that's why I didn't want to leave anything behind. But I couldn't fit everything in my suitcase.

I wasn't angry at her for stealing my clothes. The problem was that she stood there like she was the queen. Hands on her hips and smirking as soon as she saw me.

It disgusted me.

I did want revenge but that wasn't why I was doing this. I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do. She wanted me to retaliate and I'm sure she has plenty of things planned. She's acting childish and that's what my mom saw in me. An 18 year old girl acting like a two year old.

I was done playing these games with Charlotte.

I rolled my eyes as I got closer to her and her smirk didn't drop. She thinks she ruined my life by sending me off. She thought that I hated boarding school, instead I just didn't want to leave my life here.

She cocked her head to the side. "I wish I could say I missed you but then I'd be lying"

I shook my head smiling rather amused. She frowned at my expression before returning to her smirk.

"I had 365 days to think Charlotte" I started.

"Oh I'm sure you did, you want revenge. I can tell" she confidently replied.

I checked the time on my phone and realised I had no more time to waste. "I found out something very weird" I started. "Turns out your not even supposed to be here" I smiled as I watched your smirk fade as a ghost look appeared on her face.

"Your supposed to be in Canada at a boarding school" I finished.

She defended herself quickly. "That's a lie. Who'd you get that from? Your non existent friends at boarding school?" She spoke bitterly.

My tone remained the same as I looked at her innocently.  "It's funny because I didn't believe it" I laughed softly. "But when I called your parents they reassured me, and god they were angry"

Her face drained of any emotion. Something flashed past in her eyes.. fear. She was scared. "Tell me your lying" she asked in all seriousness.

I grinned as her parents arrived walking up towards her.

Charlotte got the shock of her life when her mom grabbed her arm.

Her mom looked at me gratefully. "Thank you Lana for telling me"

I innocently replied. "Oh it was no problem. I'll jump at any opportunity to help Charlotte where I can"

Charlotte's mom pulled her away harshly as they started walking away.

"You'll regret this!" She spat at me angrily. "I'll be back!"

"Please do consider the mental institution I recommended" I told her mom as she nodded at me.

I turned away as I took a deep breath in, smiling. It sure is a good day.


I stared out the window as I waited in the small coffee shop, an empty chair sitting in front of the table. I was hoping he'd come. I sent him a text letting him decide if he wanted to come. I didn't know if he still hated me or if he moved on. Maybe I was just paranoid.

The scraping of a chair brought my out of my trance as someone sat in front of me.

The sight of him took my breath away. He's still as handsome as he was the day I met him. There was something different about him. He looks the same but seems different. Happier than the day I said goodbye. It brought joy for me to see him like this.

"Hi" I spoke, my breath taken away.

"Hi" he repeated as our eyes met.

I blinked out my trance and gave him a smile. "So who's the girl?" I asked knowing it's true.

He raised a brow. "A girl?"

"Yes a girl, that smile on your face didn't just reappear for me" I replied stating the obvious.

He shook his head rather amused. "No girl"

I was slightly taken back. That whole year and he didn't meet a girl and go out with her. For some reason relief filled me.

"What about you? Who's the guy?" He asked me.

I felt my lip tilt upwards into a smile. "No guy"

I suddenly remembered the state I had left him.

He should hate me.

I gave him a sympathetic look. "I'm so sorry Luke-" I started.

He cut in assuring me. "It's fine Lana, I'm fine" he gave me a full smile not a single sign of anger evident.

I cleared my throat. "So where's my ring?" I asked as a joke.

He reached into his pocket and put a small familiar Easter egg ring on the table. I stared at him surprised.

"You kept it?" I asked stunned as warmness overtook my heart.

"Of course I did, you asked me to" he replied as my heart swelled at this.

The awkward tension cut in. I didn't know what to say and neither did he.

I laughed nervously. "This is weird"

He nodded his head with a chuckle. "Definitely"

"How about we restart?" I suggested.

Luke nodded. "That's a good start"

I held out my hand. "I'm Lana"

He flashed me with one of his smiles, his dimples reappearing as he took my hand and shook it. "I'm Luke"

His eyes bore into mine as I became entranced in his green eyes.

Just like that, I remembered how I fell in love with him before, and I felt like it was happening all over again.

So this concludes The Good Boy And The Bad Girl. Sorry it took me a while to write this, I'm sorry for the time wait. Anyway thanks guys so much for all your support this book just reached 60k reads.

Now that the GBATBG has finished you can switch to my other books and I am currently writing a new book which will be out soon, so check out my profile to find it later on.
~ Ashley.

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