✈️ vi.

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I'm really confused, this chapter keeps on getting deleted :/


Jungkook and I were wandering through the streets, sightseeing and being cautious of fans. Honestly, I can't believe I'm saying this but I was enjoying his company. He would sometimes crack some stupid jokes which would actually make me laugh.

"Yeri!" Jungkook whined and I turned towards him, "I'm hungry, lets get some pizza." He said as he pointed to a Sbarro across the street.

I was about to protest but my stomach grumbled at the sound of pizza so I agreed. "Okay, but we have to go home before 7," I pointed out.

He gave a happy smile at me and clapped his hands before coming over to me and clasping his hand over mine and dragging me toward the store.

I was about to take out my wallet but he stopped me, "My treat." He mumbled to me as he brought out some cash from his pocket.

Hey, now I wasn't going to protest to a free treat!

We both ordered a pepperoni pizza with a coke. We sat on the chairs outside the store, and I immediately took a bite of the hot, cheesey pizza.I looked up and saw Jungkook staring at me.

"What?" I asked self-consciously.

He chuckled. "You know what you could do?" I raised an eyebrow at him so he could continue. "You could do mukbang!"

"Honestly I'd love to that," I said. "I mean you just have to sit in front of the camera and eat and make delicious noises..."

He nodded, "We did one for an advertisement, it was fun but the chicken was too spicy, lets just say the hyungs' tummy were not good after that and well they had to use the toilet a lot."

"I know and so did you," I told him. I knew about this because Taehyung once told me about it on call, and I could hear the members groaning and asking the person in the washroom to get out.

He blushed slightly, "How do you- Oh wait damn it, V hyung..." He whispered to himself.

I laughed and took another bite of my pizza. Jungkook was smiling at me, "You should laugh more," He said as he clasped as his hands together and leaned closer to me from across the table.

I squinted my eyes at him, and pressed my face back to make an ugly face. He rolled his eyes.

"I think, we should go..." I said as I finished up my pizza and held my coke cup.

Jungkook agreed and we stood up.

"Cause it's too cold woah, for you here and now, so let me hold woah," He started singing all of a sudden, and I gave him a weird look. He then took my hand and clasped our hands together.

"Both your..." He held both of my hands now, "In the holes of my sweater..." He finished as he put both of hands in the pocket of his hoodies.

I chuckled, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, nothing..." He said as he firmly held my hands in his pockets and we trudged away towards my home.


"Where were you guys?" Taehyung asked immediately after we entered his home.

I bit my lip as he looked furious, while the others stared at us worryingly.

"You could've given me your number, Yerim... We were so worried," He sighed.

"I'm- I'm so sorry, some fans were following us so we had to hide in an alleyway, and after they were gone, we went- we went," I stuttered nervously because if I told Taehyung that we went sightseeing he'd kill us.

"We went to meet one of my American friends." Jungkook said firmly and I looked at him my mouth wide.

"Hyung, it was my fault, you know Jonathan? My friend whom I got to know over playing Overwatch, he got to know I'm in America and contacted me so we could meet, so I dragged Yeri with me or else I could've gone lost and we met him over some Sbarro's." I gaped at him, how could he lie like this. Taehyung must see through this lie. I was so stupid. Oh God, we'll be in more trouble now.

Taehyung gave him a skeptical look before frowning, "You met Jonathan without me!?"

Now I gaped at him. He actually believed that?

"How could you, Jungkook... How could you do this to me?" He asked with a hand over his heart. I rolled my eyes. How dramatic of him...

"I'm sorry! He was really nice, wasn't he Yeri?" Jungkook looked at me expectedly.

My eyes widened. "Wha- I mean yeah he was really nice... He even paid for our pizza," I said faking a small smile.

Jungkook tightly smiled at me and I returned him the smile as we sighed a breath of relief internally.


Ah, this stupid kids. They could've fooled V, but I know for a fact they were lying. I chuckled as Yeri stuttered out her words and Jungkook nudged her giving a confident smile. Taehyung was now frowning than be angry. I'm pretty sure Jhope and Suga caught up with the lie as well as they had a knowing smile on their faces and were shaking their heads now and then. Jimin was quiet, and Jin he was probably in the kitchen.

"They were probably wandering around alone and they probably even had pizza together," Joy chuckled as she told me.

I nodded, "They were both probably having a date," I whispered to her and she smile slyly. Then something caught my eye and I nudged Joy so she could look at what I was staring at. We both smirked knowingly.

Both Yeri and Jungkook's hand was in the pocket of his hoodie, and from the angle that we were looking at, it looked like they were holding hands.



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