Meet and Greet

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(Still Joyce's POV, And it's carrying off on where I left the story last)
Will: Mom, I'm fine.
Joyce: Will  I'm-
*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK on the door* *Joyce looks closely at Will and goes to answer the door* *Joyce sees Max and Mike standing there Mikes bike on the grass and Max's skateboard tucked under her arm*
Mike: Hi Mrs Byers, is Will home?
Joyce:Yes he is maybe you can talk to him he... He isn't acting normal.
Max: Okay Mrs Byers.
Mikes POV
*They all enter the house to see Will sitting on the couch wearing a blue shirt and Blue Jeans he looks at Mike and Max in surprise*
Will: Oh...right. okay, okay come to my room and we'll talk
Joyce: Will.. *Joyce opens her mouth but no other words come out so she closes her mouth again and nods to the three of them in acceptance*
Wills POV
(The three of them are in Wills room.) Will: Okay about me shouting at you guys last night....I'm sorry I don't know what came over me.
Mike: It's fine Will
Max: Seriously it's fine but we came here to ask why you didn't come to school today
Will: I don't really know myself, My Mom she said I said some things in my sleep and she got worried so she made me stay home
Mike: Well what were you saying?

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