lost 'n' found

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Max thoughts:
Lucas...Lucas....Those stupid idiotic Bullies!
Out of Max's thoughts and into what's happening: (They are all almost at the high school where they go to school and see Lucas lying on the ground with Troy Holding a knife pointing it at Lucas, while Dustin is held in a choke hold by Troy's friend) (Max starts to cry all of a sudden and quickly runs over to the scenes while Will and Mike follow her)
Troy: Oh look Maxine and The old circus crew all back together again. But where oh where could the weirdo be?
Mike: Troy where did you put El??!!! WHERE IS SHE? LET GO OF LUCAS AND DUSTIN!!
*Troy smiles*
Troy: Haha oh Frogface your funny. That weirdo is close by and no I don't think I want to let them go yet
Mike: El?!!! El where are you?!! *Mike let's a tear roll down his face before in super human speed punches Troy in the face and quickly gets Lucas up off the ground he thrusts Lucas into Max's arms and Advances on The other bully and dodges a kick and licks his hand then Stover's it all over the guys face Dustin was free he skated across to where the others stood scared he hold the bully by his shirt and asks..) Mike: Where is El, tell me now or it's lights out for you.
The bully: M- *All of a sudden Troy kicks Mike behind his back and Mike falls onto his knees on the ground Mike quickly side kicks Troy letting him Land on his side in pain he stays still*
The bully: I don't know! She was here one second and gone the next I swear! *Mike elbows the Bully in the stomach and walks away keeping a eye on Troy and his friend*
Mike: Fine. We'll look for her ourselves. If we find out that your keeping her this may be your last day on earth.

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