005....Runs.... Those two words are what really brings the story together with a twist and a turn. Will everyone survive this battle?
Will is acting strange. And El is having troubles..until a person shows up in Hawkins who no one knows
Will returns soon to see Y/N lying down but not actually asleep, wearing a thin white shirt and pajama pants Will jumps into bed staring up at the ceiling taking everything in that has happened.
Y/N POV "Will" Y/N asked making Will shake out of his thoughts "Yes?" He asked looking down at Y/N, "When you asked earlier if....if I ever been to the upside down. How did you know that I already knew what that was?" "I didn't. I guess you would already know" Will relied thoughtfully "Well....I know what happened to you, And t-the same thing happened to me. Will the thessyhydra (sorry for the spelling error) you weren't the only person the shadow monster....." Y/N started breathing a little heavier heaving her chest, attempting not to cry but Will could see it...and Y/N knew it, she let the tears slip down her cheeks feeling so stupid for crying once again in front of Will or anybody for that matter. Will got out of bed and held Y/N in his arms not daring to let go, like she was to fragile for that. "What if you didn't have to use words?" Will offered leaning his head towards the direction of the wooden student desk, skated with blank paper and crayons with pencils and pens Drawing....yes drawing of course! "You do mean drawing right?" Will nodded, Y/N wasn't to much of a good artist but she'd love to be. "Yeah...yeah okay" Y/N said whipping the tears away, Y/N stood up with Will and walked over to the desk sitting down and picking up a pencil. Not knowing how to begin, Will arrived over taking another seat he had and sitting down next to Y/N, "Start anywhere" He said and so she started right away from the first thing that popped into her mind. The Shadow monster. Once Y/N was done she put the pencil down and showed Will not knowing exactly what she did:
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"Y/N......." Will trailed off he quickly got up coming back moments later with a copy just like that, "It's not back Y/N we know that. El killed it when she closed the gate." "I know that, But I don't know why I drew this I mean it's dead right? So I don't know why it came to mind......maybe I was focusing on the past. And not what's happening now. Hold on" And so Y/N quickly grabbed a blue pen and started immediately "This....the Demogorgan." Y/N past her art to Will:
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"That's incredible." Will breathed looking closely at the lining of the drawing. "Will.....I don't think we are the only ones who have been a spy for the Shadows monsters....I think that there's another innocence person out there that's been..been a" Y/N pursed her lips as she furrowed her eyebrows in focus "Been a almost like....a box for storage....to be taken over by the shadow monster at anytime in case it got hurt....that's where the shadow monster could return." Will Wide eyed with Realization looks at Y/N "You know when I first met you...I Thought I knew you....thought you were dead. But I didn't know you at all." Will looked at the ground "Before I got all those visions knowing everything about your life about almost everyone's life here. I thought I knew you and I thought you were dead as well." Y/N said putting a hand on Will's shoulder, "Will, go to sleep!" Said Jonathan from across the hall "Sorry!" Will called back, "Better go to sleep, before Jonathan comes in and we wake everyone else up. Well my Mom" Said Will smiling a little but. "Yes yeah." Y/N replied smiling a little to. Will jumped into his bed and Y/N into hers. "Night" they said at the same time, (Three hours later, it's either around 11pm or 12am) "AHH NO PLEASE LET HIM GO!!" Y/N sat up sweating and shaking with fresh tears running down here face,
Will POV Screaming is what Will heard first with a instinct he turned over to Y/N seeing that she was the once screaming, she was sweating and shaking with tears as well, "Y/N ......are you alright ? What happened?" Will Asked more concerned....but he only just noticed that she was bleeding her Hand has been cut. "Will....Oh Will" Y/N started shaking a lot more now as frustrated tears devolved into her sweat running down her face and onto her clothes. Suddenly the door busted open to reveal Joyce standing there looking quickly at Will then Y/N "Y/N what happened?!" Joyce said kneeling down next to Y/N "I heard a scream I needed to check if you two were okay." Joyce said, Y/N shock her head no "What happened sweet heart?" Joyce asked her voice still rolling over with horror but trying her best to restrain it to kindness. "The Shadow monster......Has someone ...Joyce it's not dead it's in hiding waiting." Y/N panted out, Jonathan appeared at the doorway "Who's this?" He asked looking confused "Y/N.....Listen we'll explain later." Will said to him with stern look that told Jonathan to leave and he did, just as Joyce gave a small nod to him. "Okay....Y/N what do you mean? The shadow monster is in hiding ...how?" Will jumped out of bed immediately and guided his mother to the two drawings "Will did you do these..?" She asked looking at the details of each one "Not me....Y/N" Joyce looked at Y/N and back at the drawings "Will you and Y/N draw alike." Joyce said. Will and Y/N exchanged a look that said they agreed with her *Hey everyone! Just so you guys know I did the drawings that were shown which is the Shadow monster and The Demogorgan. Hope everyone is enjoying the story!~The author*