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"What is it?" Hopper asked sternly to the boys including Max and the girl he hasn't met yet. "We didn't know where El was and Troy-" Mike gets cut off by a voice behind Hopper, Hopper turns around "Mouthbreather.....Why were you talking with Troy?" Says El, Mike pushes past Hopper so quickly he almost knocked him to his bottom. And he hugged El so tight like their was no tomorrow,

Y/N (Don't worry I'll change your name from 005 to Y/N soon) POV
Mike ran over to El pushing aside the old man in a Chief uniform and hugged her so tight, I better introduce myself before he thinks something. "Hi....I'm 005 And I'm guessing your the chief of this town?" I say giving a tiny smile, he looks oddly at the boys And Max before taking my hand

Overall POV
(It's night fall, and El, Max and Y/N(005) sit on the couch as Dustin,Lucas,Will,Mike and the chief including Joyce sit around a table facing the girls. "Okay....so your from Hawkins Lab same as El, your name is 005 and you escaped." Hopper asked 005(Y/N) 005 nodded yes. "How about we call you something else?" Will asked all of sudden, "Like what?" Dustin said "Something matching her personality" El Insisted "Gem?" Max asked cringing at what she said "No, no.." Lucas replied "Book? Haha.....no okay sorry" Said Mike uneasy "005 What do you want to be called?" Joyce asked kindly "I'm not sure, I know it seems weird that I have a more wider range of words to speak then when El first met all of you.....it's just I learnt more things off the guards I managed to talk into giving me more educated on everything." They all looked around at each other and nodded "But I still don't know what I want to be called" "Y/N" Will said looking up at 005 "Y/N.....yeah I like that name." Y/N said smiling.

Will smiled back, There's something about Will...Something special. I don't need to even try And find out what it is....i think he knows it to, there's something in his eyes that tells me that no matter what happens it'll be alright...just looking into his eyes I feel like I'm protected from Brenner from the lab.
"Okay, Y/N is it alright if we set you up in Will's room on the ground for tonight?" Joyce asked "Yes that would be fine.. I mean I have nowhere else to go" Joyce gave a slight nod and went off to prepare the bed on the floor, "Dustin, Lucas, Mike, you three should be going on home it's already 8:30" Hopper said intensity "Yeah okay" Mike said as he got up and kissed El gently "See you tomorrow at school El" The three of them said as they left, "Bye!" El called after them, "We better go as well El...it is getting dark and you do have school" Hopper said looking at his watch on his left arm. "Okay....Bye Max, and Y/N....nice to meet you." El said wary of when she talked to Y/N.

El's POV
She jumped into Hopper's truck as he started the engine and started to drive away..."So what's your thoughts on Y/N?" Hopper asked lightly "You know....she's fine." El said shrugging her shoulders "Okay." Hopper said as he turned on the radio, listening to most of The Clashes songs, It's odd alright. Brenner is dead and she only escaped now? This is far to weird. "Oh actually...." El started as Hopper turned off the radio to hear her "Y/N....the whole thing about her seems weird, I mean Brenner is dead and yet she only escaped now?" El questioned Hopper "Yes it's weird...but what if she didn't really come from Hawkins Lab..? " Hopper asked in wonder, El furrowed her eyebrows in concentration on the question. What if she isn't from Hawkins Lab?

Joyce came back and looked around as there was only Will her and Y/N left now "Where are the others?" She asked "They went home because it's getting late" Will said as he went to take a seat next to Y/N "Oh alright....hey so I just have to do a few things before you go to bed...stay here for a little?" Joyce asked looking from Will to Y/N "Yes Mrs Byers." Y/N replied Joyce smiled a little and said "Call me Joyce." Before walking out the room to do whatever she was doing, "Y/N...." Will said looking deeply at Y/N, "Yes?" Y/N said, "Did anything happen to you.....I'm not talking about the lab I mean about anything to-do with the Upside down...?"

Will POV
Will would never ask someone that question but.....He felt so connected with Y/N it's just something happened something made him ask like a invisible force forced him to, Y/N looked at the ground her cheeks starting to go a little pink and her stunning Ember eyes starting to fill with tears....Will immediately Embraced her not caring if his Mom walked in right at this moment, She hugged back the smell of wood filled his nostrils. Will and Y/N stayed like that until Y/N stopped crying a little. "I'm sorry" They both said at the same time, "Why are you sorry?" Will asked looking at Y/N in shocked concern "I don't cry in front of people." Y/N looked ashamed drifting her eyes away "No don't be sorry! Crying is just apart of human nature." Will said looking at Y/N, "I know." Joyce suddenly came bustling into the room, "The bed is ready....if you can call it that. And Jonathan is asleep...Remember he's moving away next week Will so spend as much time as you can with him." "Okay okay" Will said nodding. Will guided Y/N to his room. Where a bed and a desk including a chair and window are seen, On the floor next to Wills bed is the blankets and pillows waiting for Y/N. "Get yourself comfortable in the so called bed." Will insisted as he went out of the room, "Will! Where are you going?" Y/N asked a little worried "It's okay, I'm just getting changed" Will turned around as he caught out of the corner of his eye that Y/N was turning pink of embarrassment.

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