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Yeolhee and Minhyun had been throwing idea after idea into a debate when a soft knock interrupted them. Yeolhee apologized to Minhyun with a bow before she got to open the door. It was the young boy, Daehwi, whom recently became Yeolhee's friend. His eyes were empty and he entered Yeolhee's room without asking for entrance.

Minhyun watched the Highschooler waddle over to Yeolhee's bed and fall down on it, hiding in the bedding of the older female. „Daehwi, what happened?" Yeolhee asked softly and Minhyun smiled at her voice. She really seemed fond of that kid. He smiled when he imagined how nice this scene, right in front of him, would look like a picture.

„I started my medical treatment today. But the pills are too strong so I kept vomiting. My doctor said those weren't the right ones so we have to try different ones. I just feel like giving up again. I seriously hate it here. None of the other kids is nice to me and they bully me. They are so mean!" Daehwi wanted to cry out when he saw Minhyun sitting at the table. „Oh, I didn't know you got a visitor." The young boy mumbled and Minhyun stood up.

„Hi, I'm Hwang Minhyun. Nice to meet you." He said and Daehwi eyed him carefully. „Hello, I'm Lee Daehwi." He mumbled and leaned towards Yeolhee. „Is he well off?" Daehwi whispered and Yeolhee widened her eyes. „What are you talking about?" - „I asked if he's well off? The shirt he is wearing is a pretty expensive brand." Daehwi kept muttering while scanning Minhyun from up and down. „But Noona, isn't that the guy we ran away from yesterday?" Daehwi ended his scanning and looked at Yeolhee who simply nodded.

„Minhyun, this kid is my friend Daehwi. He", she looked at Daehwi for a second. „Can I tell him your diagnosis? We're kinda working on a project about Mental Illness together so?"

Daehwi jumped from the bed and walked over to Minhyun. „What type of project is this?" He asked and Minhyun laughed, surprised by the ill kid's boldness. „I am a photographer and I want to make a photobook about Mental Illnesses. Together with Yeolhee, who is working as the Author of this."

„Can I join?" Daehwi looked at Minhyun who still seemed struck by Daehwi's way of speaking. „You're brave, little one." - „Lee Daehwi. Sixteen years old and suffering from Clinical Depression and Self Harm." He lifted his sleeves and showed Minhyun his scars. „The kids in my school bullied me because of my appearance and stupid me let their words get to me. Now I am here because I couldn't stay at home anymore where my parents tried to hide my illness."

„You're very brave, Daehwi-geun," Minhyun said and quickly jotted down the things Daehwi had just said to him. „I still need to talk with both of your doctors about you two joining but I'd have no problem taking your pictures, Daehwi-geun. You are a very interesting kid."

Yeolhee smiled, seeing Minhyun and Daehwi getting along well. „This project will surely change all of our lives. I can feel it!" Yeolhee said when she felt her head getting dizzy.

Her smile faded and she looked at Daehwi and Minhyun once again. How could they have so much fun, when she was right here, sinking into the darkness once again. She should have taken her medicine this morning, but she didn't. She thought she'd be fine without it.

She walked further away from Daehwi and Minhyun, cold crept over her and she hugged her own shoulders. „How dare you!" She then cried out and Daehwi and Minhyun looked up. Yeolhee was crouching next to her bed and stared at them with tears in the corners of her eyes.

„Noona!" Daehwi yelped surprised by Yeolhee's mood swing. Minhyun stood up as well. He remembered the words of the nurse, that he could ring her if there were any problems. „Yeolhee-sshi, it's alright." He said walking over to her bed, where the bell was dangling off the ceiling. Yeolhee eyed him. „Don't you dare to call the nurse." She cried, wiping her cheeks aggressively. „Don't you dare to call them either, Daehwi! They just gonna pump something against anxiety in my blood when this is a fucking mood swing!" She yelled and Minhyun looked at her.

It was the first time he was actually seeing someone with Borderline Personality Disorder having an „episode". He had read about the illness on Wikipedia and some articles of people who also suffered from the illness.

„Don't worry, I won't ring them," Minhyun said and walked towards Yeolhee, who was still crying. „Will you tell me why you're crying?" He asked and Yeolhee looked at him. No one ever asked her why she was crying. Well except Dr. Min but that was her job.

„I fell into the darkness," Yeolhee whispered, only looking at Minhyun. Daehwi, who was standing by the table, watched them. His eyes widened at how calm Minhyun was. Daehwi had seen the nurses and how stressed they could be when one of them would have an episode or a mental breakdown. Minhyun was so different.

Even though Yeolhee yelled at him he kept calm and tried to go even closer to her. Daehwi gulped and folded his hands together, hoping Minhyun could calm her down.

„I couldn't understand how the two of you had so much fun without me," Yeolhee confessed and hid her face in her hands. Minhyun opened his mouth. „Yeolhee, we were all three having fun. Not just Daehwi and I. You were with us in this room and participated in our conversation. We weren't excluding you." Minhyun said and carefully put his arm on Yeolhee's shoulder. The girl looked up and locked her eyes with Minhyun.

His eyes were brown and calm and Yeolhee felt her cheeks heat up while looking at him with that intense, cold look of hers. „I see." She whispered and Minhyun smiled. Another wave of heat rolled over Yeolhee and she looked at the floor, embarrassed.

„Noona?" Daehwi had called out and Yeolhee looked up seeing him handing her the bottle of pills. „Take them." He said encouragingly. „I know they aren't good and make you feel all weird but it helps."

Yeolhee simply nodded and let Minhyun help her into the bed. She then took her pills and cuddled into the pillow. „I will talk to both of your doctors now. I see you later, Yeolhee-sshi. Rest a little bit." Minhyun said and softly patted her hair. „Come one, Daehwi. Let's bring you to your room."

„Rest well, Noona!" Daehwi cheered and waved her before skipping out of her room looking like a teenage boy and not a boy who was dealing with his own demons.

Minhyun turned to Yeolhee before leaving the room. „Will you really come back?" She asked quietly and Minhyun nodded with a warm smile. „Of course I will. I'll be here when you wake up." He promised and then left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Yeolhee quickly grabbed the fabric of her shirt being overwhelmed with the pace her heart was beating right now. She never had someone calm her down like that. It felt peaceful and he didn't judge her at all. She blushed once more, remembering the way Minhyun had patted her hair.

Sorry for the super late update, but I have been so busy and never found inspiration to write a chapter for this one? But here I am. I hope you enjoyed it and continue to support Yeolhee and Minhyun on their journey through this book. I also want to add a new permanent character to this story; so here is Daehwi's profile!


+ 16 years old

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+ 16 years old

+ Highschool student

+ suffers from Clinical Depression and Self Harm

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