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Minhyun was dead tired when he came out of the meeting with Dr. Ko. Daehwi's doctor was a middle-aged man but pretty cynical. He listened to what Minyhun had to say and then asked what this would be for Daehwi. Minhyun had explained that it was a great chance for people to see that Mental Illness is a real thing and a chance for Daehwi to chase the Demons in his head that told him he wasn't handsome enough. He told Dr. Ko that he wanted Daehwi to feel comfortable in his own skin again. And that was the moment Dr. Ko agreed. „Okay. I think this is actually a good chance for Daehwi to come out of his shell again. Mr. Hwang, you have my agreement for this project. Daehwi is currently pretty stable. We are still testing out some pills but so far he's doing great." Minhyun nodded and told the Doctor that he was, of course, asking Daehwi's parents as well. Dr. Ko wished him well on his project and then Minhyun left.

The photographer wiped his forehead when he saw a woman with a doctors cape and dark brown hair standing by the Nurse's Office. He walked towards her and bowed. „Excuse me? Are you Dr. Min?" He asked and the woman looked at him and smiled. „Yes, that's me." She smiled and Minhyun nodded. „Could I ask you something?" He then asked and handed her the binder.

„My name is Hwang Minhyun and together with your patient Kang Yeolhee I was planning to develop a photobook about Mental Illness. We want people to be aware of illnesses like that and I want to portray patients to show that they are normal people despite their illness." Minhyun quickly introduced his project and Dr. Min looked through the binder.

„Dr. Ko-sunbae gave you his agreement?" Dr. Min asked and Minhyun nodded. „Yes, I want to have Lee Daehwi, a Depression patient, participate in this project," Minhyun explained and Dr. Min closed the folder. „Are you planning on taking Yeolhee's pictures as well?" The woman asked and Minhyun nodded slowly.

Dr. Min kept quiet for a while but then sighed. „Yeolhee is suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder." She started. „That means she has intense emotions and sometimes she can't control those making her having a ‚episode'." Dr. Min explained Yeolhee's illness and Minhyun listened. He nodded to what the Doctor warned him about. „She doesn't take her medicine properly. She is stubborn and thinks she can be better without them because they make her sleepy and dizzy. But if she doesn't take them she hurts herself because she drowns in the emotions." Dr. Min took a pen from the nurse and signed the agreement. „I am, of course, allowing her to participate because she is a talented Author and surely will do her best but I just wanted you to know what you're getting into, Mr. Hwang." Dr. Min smiled and Minhyun nodded. „I know what I am getting myself into. But I am willing to take this step. This will surely help her heal as well. I just know it will." Minhyun smiled and Dr. Min grinned. „I am glad, Yeolhee has such a nice and calm colleague as you are." She patted his shoulder and took a file from the desk. „I have to head to my patients now. Good luck with your project, Mr. Hwang." Dr. Min smiled and Minhyun bowed deeply before running towards Yeolhee's room, excited to tell her the news.

He quickly knocked on her door and after hearing a faint „Ye", he entered.

Yeolhee was currently sitting at the table, a tray with a bowl of rice and some side dishes in front of her. In her hand was a big cup of juice and she was chewing on a big mouthful of rice. „I have good news, Yeolhee-sshi!" Minhyun said enthusiastically and Yeolhee smiled, gulping down her lunch. „What is it?" She asked.

„Dr. Min has signed. And so has Daehwi's doc! The two of you can participate!" Minhyun smiled and Yeolhee opened her mouth. „I-I will be getting my pictures taken?" She asked and blushed once more. „Yes!" Minhyun huffed and grabbed her hands. „Yeolhee, we can make this happen!" He smiled and Yeolhee blinked. „I will write?" She asked and Minhyun nodded once more. Yeolhee was star struck.

With a swift motion, she was standing up and embracing Minhyun in a warm hug. Her cheeks were burning and her insides were felling fuzzy but she couldn't care less about anything like that. Right now she felt incredibly happy.

„Thank you so so much!" Yeolhee breathed out when she let go of Minhyun who seemed paralyzed for a second. He quickly shook his head and nodded. „There is still a lot I need to do before we can really start making the book. I need the agreement of Daehwi's parents and a few more models." Minhyun said and Yeolhee nodded. „How about Daehwi and I look for models? We're in the Psychological Ward after all and can make you meet some interesting Patients?" Yeolhee asked and Minhyun nodded. „That'll be great. I give you my number so you can call me when you find something. I'd interview this person then. It'll be great my Models would be from different age ranges as well." Minhyun nodded and then looked at Yeolhee. „I'm not sure if I will be able to meet you the next few days." He confessed and Yeolhee nodded. „It's okay. You have work to do so our book can really happen, right?" She asked and Minhyun nodded. „We need a Studio and maybe a Sponsor. But that's nothing you should worry about. You care about your health."

„And finding Models!" Yeolhee announced and Minhyun nodded. „Of course." He grinned and jotted down his number. „I'll see you soon, I promise." He smiled and Yeolhee nodded. „I know."

Minhyun quietly packed his stuff and looked at Yeolhee one more time. „Don't forget your pills. I know you hate them, but they help you." He smiled and patted Yeolhee's head before turning around and leaving her room.

Once he was out of the hospital he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. „Is she already calling me?" He asked himself and picked it up only seeing that Jaehwan had tried to call him for the 97th time today. His phone rang again and he quickly picked it up.

„What the heck were you up to all day? I tried to call you at least a hundred times!" Jaehwan yelled into the phone. „Sorry, the reception in the Hospital was really bad," Minhyun announced and Jaehwan gasped loudly. „Hospital? What?" - „Long Story, Jaehwan. I tell you once we meet." Minhyun simply stated and hung up before walking to the Bus station to get home. This day surely wore him out.                                                                                                              

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