Start of my life part 2.

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I was wishing for...
-my life is a real blessing ,but sometimes it makes me wonder ,can everyone be a shining star? My wishes only come true if god wants them to , my goal is to keep the most positive energy in my life and even if I was depressed I would try my best to get out of it and not be weak but the thing is actually I'm an very aesthetic person i love things sometimes to go my way in a fair way though (not everyone can be perfect) and not everyone has to be perfect now why do I sound like a person that experienced so much well maybe I just experienced half way through my teenage life style.
"Hey savannah wait up" running to her " oh hey Sasha what's up did you sleep well yesterday" giving me a very weird expression "yeah lol why are u asking though"? She went on saying that she was worried about me and that she doesn't want me to go alone places without her "um savannah is it gonna be weird if I asked you something pretty out of our subject"? I was scared to tell her about me attending vocal classes " yeah what's up"? "Um well I'm attending vocal classes". She looks at me as if I just stole her lunch money " uh you told me you'll take those vocal classes with me though"? This is why I was scared to tell her about my vocal classes "of course we will take those classes together it's just that my mom" she looked confused "umm wait your mom doesn't want us hanging together"? I was shocked she would think like that "no of course NOT we are like best friends even if she said something like that I would never except it". And she started smiling at me ,and out of no where she opened her arms wide "don't u wanna give your best friend a hug"? I started laughing while I gave her a comforting hug " of course I would give my bestie a hug ,why do you sometimes act so dumb savannah"?
She stared at me with those death stares she gives everyone,mostly the girls that pass by her every morning in the hall way " wow Sasha I'm the dumb one ,when your the one that asked help for the math question while the test was going on". I literally felt dumb after what she told me but anyways it was all for fun and games until our math teacher actually popped out of no where and came closer to talk to the both of us "good morning ladies today we have a pop test on the questions that were unsolved from you both hope you both do good today". I looked so confused ,i was about to burn in flames " sir you didn't even tell us about this test"? I tried to NOT sound mean at all "dear Sasha that's why they named it pop test ,it pops out of no where". And in my head I tell myself yeah just like you popped out of no where too.
After me and the teacher had a little argument about this stupid pop test ,that we already finished and let me tell you it was HARD and really exhausting to even think " Sasha are you okay"? She was being so worried today " yeah I'm fine savannah stop worrying so much". "U seem tired Sasha wanna come to my house and Ima teach u Korean if u want"? Why does she think that I want to learn Korean? " um why Korean can't we like do something else"? She gives me that daily faces that says are u serious and if u get a face like that from savannah that means it's gonna be a deadline for you. "Okay fine ,but I don't wanna learn Korean okay"? Then we continued to walk to our next class.
After school.
Later Savannahs mom came to pick her up so I went with her cause I promised Savannah that I would go to her house, when we reached to savannahs house we went directly went up stares and started talking ,doing the usual stuff we do all the time when we go over to each other's houses. We went down stares to check if there's some ice cream in the fridge but like there was only chocolate and I'm okay with that haha ,she grabbed the chocolate ice cream gave it to me and we went up stares into her room again ,while we were freezing to death my heart was like an ice and i couldn't feel my legs it was numb it was so annoying ,ticklish hehe that's how I feel does it make me sound weird.
After doing whatever like I mean nothing with Savannah cause all she does it teach herself Korean all over again ,it's annoying when she tells me "Sasha come over we're gonna have fun". And when I do all I see her do is sit and stare at a Korean learning book great! That just sounds like fun ugh ,if next time she calls me and tells me to come over I'll have to give an excuse that's how bad and highly obsessed with Korean boys and Korean stuff became like for gods sake me seeing her like this scares me for some stupid reason lol, but it doesn't matter anyways .
Next day
"Hey Sasha I learned this Korean word it's like saranghae". I almost killed myself what the heck yesterday I explained to myself that I do not wanna continue with this Korean drama thing ugh whatever "oh what does it mean lol"? She looks at me thinking so hard to find out so she could act smart and say that she knows Korean WOW! "Hm it means I love you". I was surprised she knew the meaning "oh so it's I love you , that's nice". She looks at me as if she's gonna attack me or smh "oh so no Savannah good job you worked so hard"? What the heck is wrong with her today ugh "Savannah yes u always work hard when you learn Korean and you should continue". I really didn't know what to say but that's all that came to my mind to cheer her up "fine Sasha I'm gonna go learn more Korean words" I was so surprised that she wanted to learn Korean so bad like why? "Okay have fun doing that".
Our conversation was completely awkward these days (her new best friend is kpop).
Next day I heard a knock on my door and it definitely sounds like Savannah I didn't really want to open the door cause I knew she would start talking to me all about these KPOP bands and I don't really care that much about them lmao xx. As I walk down stares I see my mom baking waffles yeah guess what time it was 6:20 AM what the heck? Anyways why would Savannah come at my house this early in the morning ,as i open the door I see Savannahs mom crying at our house door "mrs.Brooks what's wrong ,why are u crying"? She still keeps on crying and I don't know what to say I was just so scared hoping it's not a bad news or something "oh darling something bad has happened". When she said that my heart dropped and I didn't know what to think of literally she still didn't even tell me the bad news ,but I know it's going to be bad LIKE REAL BAD LIKE PAIN IN THE ASS BAD. "Oh mrs.Brooks please tell me what's going on your making me feel very  worried now". As my heart starts beating faster " Savannah has got into a car crash" I just felt dead I dropped on the floor didn't know what to say I was not gonna think it would be this bad "Oh my god where is she now mrs.Brooks is she okay"? As she gives me a very sad look "Yes she is doing well right now but she's injured".

Brooks is she okay"? As she gives me a very sad look "Yes she is doing well right now but she's injured"

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