Chapter 3: Tainting Evil

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"Get Veneficus! QUICKLY!!!" We had just told mom about the ooze. She thought we were lying, until Fulgur showed her the vial. "Yes ma'am!" One of the palace guards ran off to find Veneficus, the palace necromancer. Yes, I said necromancer. Veneficus was one of only five dragons who could perform necromancy without really trying. He was just born with it. After a few minutes, he came rushing in, a look of pure terror in his eyes. "My queen, I came as quickly as possible." Queen Teraiq -or my mom as you know- came over to him. "It's a good thing you did too. Children, show Veneficus what you have found." Fulgur gulped, then approached Veneficus with the vial full of ooze.

Veneficus  looked at the ooze, dread and terror contorting his features. "It's... It's the Tainting evil," he said, quickly returning the vial to Fulgur's awaiting claws. Mother gasped and swayed slightly. Ventus and I helped her keep balance. "You don't mean.... it CAN'T be Tainting evil!! It died away when Lord Erickr was sealed inside the mountain!" Veneficus shook his head slowly. "It's the very same. And if it truly is back, then that means Lord Erickr is free." I felt my legs shake. "Lord Erickr, free," I thought.  "But that could mean....." I shook the thought away. Ventus, who had been completely silent this entire time, now spoke. "But if Lord Erickr is free, that means he'll rise again. He'll create a new reign of terror, just like he did all those years ago." Fulgur spun around and looked at Ventus.

 "No he won't! We're going to stop him! We've already found some of his ooze, and no one knew he was free until the ooze we found was shown to mom and Veneficus! And he might not have gotten out, he might've just...." He stopped. "Sorry, I just... I just don't want this to happen. I want to believe it's not but it is and that's it." Fulgur looked at the floor, shame filling his eyes. I let go of mom and went over to him. "Hey, it's okay brother. We'll stop Lord Erickr if he truly has escaped, and none of this will have to happen. Okay?" Fulgur shook his head. "Okay." 

I turned to mother and Veneficus. "Alright, what can we do to help?" Veneficus cleared his throat. "Spread the word. Warn people to take extra precautions, keep plenty of water around for the Tainting evil, and to be ready to evacuate if it comes to it." Fulgur, Ventus and I nodded, our expressions grim. "Yes sir." We flew off, our wings beating hard as we raced to warn the others of the evil that was to come.

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