Chapter 8: Saved By Humans

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When I was shaken out of my wits, my captor, now known as Terrent, spoke. "Careful Inferos. We need her alive," she hissed. The dragon now known as Inferos put me down, then walked back to the others. "So, should we take go get the other dragonet?" Terrent suddenly tensed. "You left her alone!! You morons! What if she escaped," she spat. The other two backed up. Celer spoke next, her voice high and restrained. "D-don't worry Terrent," she said, " Me and Inferos will go get her." With that, Celer and Inferos fled. Leaving me with my captor. Alone. The thought didn't scare me nearly as much as being left alone with Inferos. At least Terrent wanted me alive. After a while, Inferos and Celer returned, dragging a very glassy-eyed Novis behind them. "Novis," I tried to scream, which made Inferos give me a swift kick to my side. I winced against the pain. I looked up however and noticed that Novis had looked at me. Terrent went over to inferos and smacked his head.

"Idiot! Don't hurt them! Boss will know if something is wrong with them!" Inferos backed off. "Sorry Terrent," he mumbled. Terrent blew flames in Infernos' face, making him stumble backwards. She sneered. "Don't forget who's in control. Now as for this one," she said, going over to Novis and nudging her. She stared at Novis for a minute before saying, "I guess you could unchain her. She doesn't look like she's a danger. Celer, you have the key, unchain her." Celer hesitated, making Terrent shoot a blast of flames at her. "DO IT!" Celer fumbled with the key. "Y-Yes ma'am Terrent!" Finally the chains were off of Novis, who didn't move at all. Inferos spoke up. "Terrent, considering she's not scared, should we just kill her now to spare Boss the disappointment? Besides, I haven't been able to kill anything in ages, and my claws are dulling," he said, flexing his talons. Terrent looked over to him, then over to Novis.

"Sure, but make it quick, we haven't got all day." Inferos nodded, a grim smile on his face. But before he could do anything, Terrent out a claw up. Inferos looked at her. "Let the chains off of this one too, but only the ones on her snout. Her screams would be music to my ears," she said, whipping her tail in my direction. I cowered under Inferos' gaze as he undid the chains on my snout, allowing me to yell out. "Novis! Wake up! Please stop and wake up!" Inferos smacked me with his tail, causing my head to jerk violently sideways. I heard Terrent fuss at him, but it sounded far away. Finally, I could hear clearly again. I looked over to Terrent and Inferos, who were standing over Novis, looking down at her with their claws flexing. Inferos looked over to Terrent. "Want to start us off," he asked, stepping aside to let her have room. Terrent smiled. "Gladly." I heard a hissing sound, the sound of a dragon about to blow fire. I had to think fast. "NOVIS!!!" It all happened so fast, I still don't know what happened exactly.

A large spear flew out of the forest and plunged deep into Terrent's shoulder, causing her to let out a shriek of pain. I then saw Inferos collapse onto the ground beside her, his head hanging loosing from his neck, which caused Celer to squeal and take flight. I screamed. Terrent turned around and went to me, fury burning in her sockets. "You.... You are doing this!!" She shook me hard. "Forget pleasing the Boss, I'll just kill you," she screamed, raising her talons high in the air. She never got to do what she wanted, as a knife was thrown and landed in the side of her skull. Terrent opened her mouth, as if she wanted to speak, then flopped over onto me. I screamed. "Tarin, calm down." I stopped. I knew that voice.

"Novis?" My voice shook as I spoke. "Yeah, hold on," Novis said, as Terrent was lifted off of me. I looked up at Novis and smiled. "Thanks." Novis smiled back at me. "Your welcome. But don't thank just me, thank these guys," she said, and moved aside. There were five peculiar creatures standing together, each of them different from the other. But they all stood on their hind legs and had no scales. "Hi. Thank you for uh....." I faltered. I whispered to Novis. "What did they do?" Novis gave me a look. "They saved us silly." "Oh." I looked over to the creatures. "Thank you for saving us," I said. A tall, pale creature with mouse colored hair spoke up. "You're welcome, but it was her idea." He gestured to one of the smaller ones, who smiled and waved shyly. I smiled back at her. "So you want us to help you out of those chains," the tall one said. I nodded.

 "Ok. Scrappy?" A young looking creature stepped out from behind the others. He scurried towards me and began fiddling with the lock on my chains. Within seconds, the lock fell off and I could move. I got up instantly and flapped my wings. Scrappy gasped. I looked down and saw him staring at me, awe filling his eyes. I smiled, then had an idea. I bent down and put out my claw. Scrappy stared at it. "Go ahead," I said. Scrappy looked at me, a huge smile on his face, then climbed on. I lifted him until we were eye to eye. Scrappy smiled at me. I laughed, then gently set him down. "Well, he certainly seems to like you," said Novis, a smile on her face as well. I nodded. Then I turned to Scrappy's group. "So, mind telling me what you are and introducing yourselves," I asked. The tall one spoke. 

"Sure. We're humans. My name is Clay," said Clay with a little bow. Scrappy stepped up. "You already know who I am," he said, pointing to me. I smiled. Another one of the humans departed from the group. It was the one who chose to save us. She was kind of short, and had long black hair. "My name is Breanna," she said shyly. "She's my new friend," Novis said, causing Breanna to smile. Another one of the humans stepped up. "My name is Fyra, but they," she gestured to the others, "call me Mayhem because I get in trouble a lot." I smiled at Fyra. She was tall and lanky, with fiery red hair and freckles everywhere. Finally, the last human spoke. He was tall like Lyra, but had more meat on his bones. He had a darker skin tone than the rest, and he had black hair that hung over his eyes. "My name is Mors," he said in a low voice. I cocked my head at him, and he did the same to me. I smiled, and he smiled back. I liked this kid. 

After a pause, Novis spoke up. "Well, would you guys like to come back to our camp? I would like to introduce you to the others," she said, smiling warmly. Breanna looked up at Novis, a smile spreading across her face. "Yes! We would love too! Oh, um, right guys?" The other four humans looked at Breanna. Then, Mors shrugged. "Sure, why not. I'd like to meet some more badass dragons," he said, a look of amusement on his face. The others nodded. "Ok, let's go then." And with that, Novis and I led the way back to camp, five new friends trailing behind us. 

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