Chapter 10: Teamwork

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We finally got back to camp. The first thing I noticed was Ventus with his talon on Fulgur's shoulder. I motioned for the others to back up. I walked forwards slowly and  hid in the shadows, only a few paces away."Hey it's ok, you didn't know Fulgur. Just go and apologize." Fulgur shook his head. "She blew white flames all over an innocent rock. I'm not messing with that for a while," he said, looking at Ventus with a, "she'll kill me," look on his face. Ventus sighed. I decided that now would be a good time to show myself. I stepped out into the open, making Fulgur and Ventus jump. 

"Sis! When did you get there," my brother asked, a look of terror on his face. I blew out smoke. "Ever since Ventus told you to apologize, which I think you should consider,"I said, glaring at him. Fulgur shrunk under my gaze. "S-sorry sis, I didn't know that those humans were your friends," he said, looking down. I sighed. "It's ok. None of them are hurt. But if you do it again," I said, my voice turning icy cold as I took a step forwards, "I swear on all of Draolf that no one will remember you existed. Do I make myself clear?" Fulgur and Ventus nodded vigorously. "Good." 

I turned around and looked at the rest. Novis had a satisfied smirk on her face, along with Breanna, Mors, and Fyra. Clay and Scrappy just looked slightly amused. I put my claw down and let Scrappy climb onto my back before turning back around. Fulgur narrowed his eyes ever so slightly at Scrappy, making him shrink behind me. I growled at Fulgur, and he backed off. Novis cleared her throat. "So, now that we're all here," she said as Malum walked into the campsite, " let's get to know each other. Ok?" Everyone nodded. 

*time skip* 

Everyone was now seated in a circle. On my left was Scrappy, who was holding my talon and looking nervous. He looked at me and I gave him a reassuring smile, making him relax. On my right was Mors, who showed no emotion. To be honest, it kinda scared me to see someone so emotionless. I averted my gaze and looked around the circle. Following Scrappy was Fyra, Clay, Breanna, Novis, Fulgur, Ventus, and Malum until it came back to Mors. We're all here. "So, who wants to start," asked Breanna, shifting nervously. Novis gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll go." We all got deathly quiet, to the point where all you could hear was our rhythmic breathing and the sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves.

 "My name is Novis, as you all probably know. I'm a telepathic psychic -yes, I know that sounds weird- and I've been on my own ever since I can remember. I was taken in by my adoptive mother and father who raised me until I was big enough to survive on my own. I like books and planting herbs to help the other dragons. My best friends are Tarin, Fulgur, Ventus, and Breanna. Thank you." Novis sat down , Breanna getting up beside her. 

She fidgeted with her hands as she spoke. "m-my name is B-breanna. I was a-abondoned by my parents as a child because they couldn't afford to have a child. I wandered on my own f-for a long time before I m-met Clay. he stuck w-with me and when we found all the others, we made something I never really had. A f-family. I LOVE to read a-and my best friends are Clay, Novis, Mors, Fyra, Scrappy, and Tarin. T-thanks." Breanna sat down and looked at Novis, who was smiling and put a talon on Breanna's shoulder. Breanna smiled at Novis. 

*another time skip. Sorry :(*

Everyone else had gone. I looked around. Back stories are depressing as hell. Scrappy's parents abused him his whole life until Clay and the others took him in. Mors watched his sister get murdered to protect him. Clay escaped from a fire that burned down his village. And Fyra was tortured because some hotshots thought she knew something about their enemies. God damnit. Here come the fucking waterworks. I blinked rapidly to keep back the tears, then cleared my throat. "Well, what now?" 

I looked at Novis, who had her eyes closed, obviously thinking. Finally, she looked up. "Well, there are five dragons, and five humans. I think we should choose a par-" "I choose Novis," Breanna yelled. Everyone looked at her. "What? I'm more comfortable with novis." She looked at her feet. "No offense." "None taken," I heard my brother say. I looked at him. He didn't meet my gaze. Guess he was still a little dazed from earlier. I heard Ventus clear his throat. "Well I choose Clay if it's ok with him." 

Clay nodded, making Ventus smile slightly. Scrappy clung tight to my side. "I wanna go with Miss Tarin," he said quietly, looking up at me. I smiled and picked him up. "Of course little guy," I said, ruffling his hair playfully. "Well then I choose Fulgur," Fyra said boldly, walking over to my brother and holding onto his talon gently. Fulgur chuckled softly at her.  I looked around until I spotted Malum resting against a tree, head bowed. Mors noticed me staring at Malum and went over to him. "I choose Malum then. He seems cool," he said, making Malum look up with shock on his face. He then broke into a smile.

 "Thank you," he said softly. Mors looked at Malum, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Everyone was  quiet for a minute until Fulgur spoke up. "So uh, what do we do with our partners?" Novis gave him a, "really," look. "We use teamwork of course. The terrain is getting a little rough so we're gonna have to fly. Let your partner ride and look for any dangers." Novis suddenly put her talon out.

 "Teamwork," she questioned, looking around. Breanna put her hand over Novis'. "Teamwork." I walked over with Scrappy and put out my talon. "Teamwork." Pretty soon, everyone else was coming over and putting out a hand or talon. "Teamwork." "Teamwork.""Teamwork.""Teamwork.""Teamwork.""Teamwork.""Teamwork." I pulled away and spread my wings, confusing everyone else. 

"Come on," I said, "we have an enemy to spy on." With that, I took off into the sky, Scrappy on my back, thinking in my head, "teamwork..........."

~ hOi guys!! Sorry that I didn't update sooner but I was lazy and didn't get around to writing this chapter until today. Hope you like it, bye!!~

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