Chapter 14: Temptation

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 My heart skipped a beat as I gazed into the eyes of Lord Erickr. They were an irresistible deep velvet and easy to get lost in. He was built for speed, long and lanky, but under his steel-colored scales were a large mass of muscles. He had a large scar going from above his right eye to the joint of his left wing. He was...... beautiful. Why did Exitium say not to be afraid? She should have said don't fall for him!! He smiled at me, warmth filling his beautiful eyes to the brim. I couldn't help but smile back. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Scrappy tugging on my arm. I looked down and was met with a pair of wide, terrified amber eyes. I immediately felt bad for what I was thinking earlier. I kept my gaze down as Lord Erickr spoke. However, his voice forced my to look back at him. It was as warm and sweet as dark chocolate. "Greetings humans and dragonets. I truly am honored to be in your presence. Now as you know, I have summoned you. But you do not know why." I heard Mors mutter," Nah dip," at this. Lord Erickr just talked over him. "I am now taking our time together to explain the reasoning behind our meeting. However, I must talk to you all one at a time. Each one of you I meet with will be escorted to me by my guards. But for now, you will all be taken back to your cells. Farewell for now." I looked at Lord Erickr, wanting him to say something else. But he just stayed quiet. I was pulled away from my spot and pushed towards the door, but not before I saw Lord Erickr smile my way. I kept thinking about him and before I knew it I was back in my own cell. I shook my head, trying to clear my head. Why was I so attracted to Lord Erickr? Why won't he get out of my head? What was he going to talk to all of us about? These thoughts relayed over and over in my head forever until the door of my cell opened, and Mortem guided me out. "Hey Tarin you ok?" I looked over to Mortem. She looked scared. But not for herself, for me. I smiled. "Yeah I'm fine. Any idea what Lord Erickr wants to talk about?" Mortem shook her head. "No. But please, be careful." I nodded. Mortem stopped me in front of the same door. The only thing separating me and Lord Erickr.  I took one last look at Mortem, then pushed open the door and walked in. I kept my gaze to the floor until the door closed behind me. Then, I felt a warm talon lift my chin, and I was met with the familiar velvet gaze. "Hello Tarin." Lord Erickr waved a talon into the air, and two chairs appeared. "Let's chat." I took a seat and waited until Lord Erickr got comfortable, then spoke. "Lord Erickr, why did you bring me here? And what are we to talk about?" Lord Erickr smiled. "Please, call me Erickr. And I am here to talk to you about your power." I kind of blanked out for a minute. Power? What power? I must have said it out loud because Erickr answered me. "It's a power that only two in the world possess. It's called Obscuritatis. It gives you the ability to create something out of nothing. To make life out of death. To create dreams from dust." I was stunned. But I managed to choke out my other question. "Who else possesses this power? You said there are two of us, right?" Erickr grinned, then flicked his wrist, making a large red butterfly appear and land on my talon. "Isn't it obvious, Tarin? It's me. I wanted to ask you to join me." My heart stopped for a few seconds. He was the other. But join him? I don't think so. "Erickr... I can't join you." At this Erickr's face fell. He stood up and began to pace. "But Tarin, think of what we could achieve. We could become unstoppable! We could create an entirely new world together. Please, at least think about it. I actually like you, so don't make me eliminate you." I grimly nodded. Erickr smiled sadly, then called Mortem to take me away. I kept thinking of Erickr's offer. I new it was wrong, but deep inside, part of me was tempted to take this offer.

--- Hey guys!! So I made this chapter really late at night so if it isn't the best, I apologize. Bye for now!!!!---

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