Chapter 16

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    The next few days roll by and nothing changes. Annie and Jackson have been told everything now, so dinner is always dead quiet. I've also finished Emily's journal and I'm reading it again. Danny was right, it's helping me to go through it.

    The day of Emily's funeral is today. I don't know if I can do it, but I need to be there. I have to. As we drive to the church, Danny and Alex are sitting on both sides of me and Mom is driving. Dad is only coming because he has to leave right afterwards. He is driving his own car and Annie and Jackson are with him. Danny and I hold hands the whole way there.

    When we enter the church, I see her casket waiting in the main room. I don't want to look at her, but I have to. As Danny and I approach the coffin, I see her face and I almost melt. Even if she's dead, she still has a faint smile and she is still beautiful. As I get closer, I remember that she'll never come back again. The idea of never seeing her eyes light up again breaks me. Tears flow steadily from my eyes.  When we all find our seats, I can't control myself. Danny holds me as I weep. I wish he would say something.

    I don’t pay any attention to anything that anyone says, instead I focus on Danny’s hand sliding across my back. When they tell us to head to the cemetery, I am the last one to leave the room.

    When we are in the procession, I tell Danny, “I don’t know if I can do this.”

    “Of course you can. Just remember that you will always have my shoulder to lean on,” Danny says.

    I do as he suggests and I lean on his shoulder. I could fall asleep, but I have to stay awake, for Emily.

    “Alex, are you coming?” Mom asks when we get out of the car at the graveyard.

    “No. I’ll stay here,” Alex says. Mom shrugs as she walks away.

    “I’ll talk to him,” I tell Danny. He nods and walks away. “Alex, you’re going to regret not coming to this.”

    “I doubt it.”

    “Just do this one last thing for Emily. And for me. Please, Alex.”

    He looks up from the car floor. “Okay. I’ll do this for her.” I should be offended that he’s going for Emily, and not me, but I’m too happy to care.

    “Thank you Alex.” I give him a smile, which he doesn’t return.

    We walk into the burial grounds and Danny comes over to me. “I’m surprised you convinced him. He looked pretty intent on staying in the car.”

    “You doubted me, Danny? Besides, he’s doing this for Emily, not me.”

    Danny wants to respond but Emily’s father starts talking. “Thank you all for coming. It’s truly a tragedy to lose someone so great so soon.” His eyes scan the crowd until they find me, then they narrow. I stare right back at him until he looks away. “My wife, Ellen, has something to say.”

    Emily’s mom steps forward. “There isn’t much left to say, but I’d like to thank everyone who helped with everything. With my grief and with the funeral.” Her eyes lock on mine as if she’s telling me that she hates me to my very core. I stand straighter to tell her that I’m not scared.

    “Relax, Lucy,” Danny whispers in my ear. I lean onto my crutches again. As I do so, I see a slight smile spread across Mrs. Christian’s face. She thinks I’m weak. “Relax.” I close my eyes and I slowly move my head up and down. I don’t open them again until Danny says, “Lucy, they’re lowering her down.” I look up and I see her coffin sink into the ground. Tears cloud my vision again, but I don’t get rid of them. When they start filling the hole in, the crowd begins to thin until Alex, Danny, and I are the only ones left. “Let’s go, Lucy.” I turn and we walk away, but I don’t want to. Leaving means two things, one, that I’m letting her go, and two, that Alex and Dad are moving.

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