[Arc 1] Ch. 7 Wind Magic

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The next day, I am extra careful Zorlo isn't following me.


I decide to do some more tests while firing wind out the bottom of my feet. My total magic reserve is to the point where I can fire off continuous Air bullets for over two hours before getting tired. But no excuses, I need to find new ways to better exhaust and utilize it. Like when you run. If you practice every day and train right, you can go from not being able to run a single lap around a football field to being able to sprint a marathon.

I want to do that with magic. I have my second tail, I want all nine of them. I want to push that too. How strong can I get? Can I like go super Saiyan after I hit nine tails as a pseudo tenth?

Speaking of running, I've thought of some practical uses for Air bullets. If I aim my air bullets behind me and focus on creating a burst of air instead of an attack, I learn I can go faster. But then I can't cast anything while running with my hands behind me.

But if I can manage to run while casting air bullet from my feet... yes let's try that.

I bend down placing both hands on the ground I stagger my feet one in front of the other. Bending my right leg in so I can spring off of it and my left out more. I look like an Olympic runner.

I channel my magic into my feet.




I push off with my foot trying to take off running... but it doesn't work I end of just getting shot up in the air diagonally. I eat dirt as I tumble to a stop.

"Ow." Everything hurts. But at least my nose isn't broken this time. I quickly check to make sure nobody saw my epic fail.

I'm all clear.

I brush myself making sure there is no dirt in any of my wounds. I don't know how healing works. But if I'm guessing right it just speeds up the body's natural recovery. If that's the case it will just seal the dirt inside the wound and might cause an infection. Maybe... maybe not, but with mama it's better safe than sorry. If I got sick she'd raise Hell.

It's just a few scraps, before I start though I wonder. Callouses build up to strengthen the skin. Does healing magic override that? If that's the case, then every time I got scratched it would be on new skin. But callouses build up so that you get hurt less and it hurts less.

Callouses would hurt now, but less in the long run.

No callouses with healing, would hurt less now but more in the long run.

Well, it won't matter if I can't use it.

I summon magic to my hands and hold them over my scrapped knee. I remember the soft waves of healing magic Zorlo used on me. It takes a minute but soon I watch as my knee heals over.

"Alright!" I fist pump the air and then cover my mouth. I check once again to make sure nobody saw that. My ears twitch checking for sound, but there is nothing out of the ordinary.

I finish healing, and return to the starting line.

I make the Olympic runner pose and decide to let out the magic while I'm in mid sprint.

When I did that my foot went in front of me like I was slipping on a banana peel.


I land on my back.

That didn't work.

I brushed myself off and tried again. I decide in the long run having a decent healing stat is better than callouses. Thus began my new training regiment, try, fail, heal, and repeat.

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