Arc 4

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Arc 4

Ch. 1 New War

The house's renovations were finished in no time. The architect lady even replaced the back door that hadn't ever been properly fixed since the day papa knocked it down when I was a baby. The thing that made me think that she was a saint was that she installed an indoor bath and flushing toilet.

I learned from that experience that we had some dwarves in town talented in earth magic. They weren't the proud blacksmiths-waving-axes-at-dragon-kind though.

Mama once, let me repeat that it only happened one time, bemoaned the lack of modern bathrooms. Papa then took it open himself to find out what that meant.

When a pair of beardless dwarven brothers stumbled into town he approached them and found out their sob story. They merely maintained the capitols sewer system as grunt workers who were let off when money got tight. With no other skill set, they were run out of town as the smelly sewer dwarves.

Papa jumped at the opportunity and employed them to make a sewer system. He told them to assume that the town would grow to the size of a city and to figure it out from there. His only constraint was that his wife got a modern bathroom in the deal. The dwarves jumped at the chance of employment.

And Bam! Papa delivers, the town now has a sewer system and mama has a flushing toilet. I was the first to break in the toilet since mama commented that it wasn't a ladylike thing to make a show of it.

I didn't complain. I had forgotten such luxuries existed.

Mama and papa were the first to break in the bath, and they both came out clean and glowing.


I turned six, the triplets turned one, and Chess was let back inside the house. I finally figured out how to make lightning without thunder and started developing it from the comfort of my hut. I can speak elfish with some fluency, I can read and write in dragon script, and communicate fluently with the Ralla clan, but sometimes I kind of wish I couldn't.

The sisters are getting really annoying. Among other things they are most curious about the triplets, and keep asking to play with them.

Chess was now big enough that I can ride on his back when I hunt with Ralla's family. He also learned how to wind walk after watching me do it so much. Cheshire is definitely in line to be the next king of the forest. His only problem is that he'd much rather stay by my side when I go adventuring someday.

When I got home after hunting one day with Ralla's family I found papa frowning.

War was breaking out between our kingdom, Teagon, and the human kingdom of Sudaven, south of us. Papa's territory is small and on the far northeastern side of the kingdom. It wasn't likely we'd be involved in the conflict, but the kingdom will ask for tribute from all the nobles, and refugees were bound to show up soon.

Papa was much more willing to talk with me about his work after I'd been out with him a couple of times. I admired that even though he was an adventure he always kept the future in mind. Now he was the splendid leader of a small community that had grown into a good-sized town.

If I remember correctly, the Teagon kingdom is ruled by the fox nobility. It is heavily saturated with foxes and has a very diverse population of animal eared races. Ours is a culture based society of pacifists who cherished knowledge and the arts.

The Sudaven kingdom is mainly populated by humans. It isn't as diverse as Teagon, but the other races still aren't discriminated against there. Slavery, and warfare are also much more prolific there in turn. The human kingdoms normally fight amongst themselves, but according to papa, Sudaven has been steadily building their forces while making outrageous demands of the surrounding territories.

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