Chapter 41

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Chapter 41: I can't do it
Hiccup pov

I slowly tapped my pencil against the desk making an irritating noise for some people around me. I didn't really care I was just bored and tired.

My eyes furrowed as I looked out the window to see a girl about my age walking out of school. Why would she be out of school anyway? It was have way through the day. Her back was facing me so all I could see was the colour of her hair it was blonde just like Astrid. My eyes widened when I realised that the person was in fact Astrid who was walking out of class.

She's doesn't even have her backpack so she can't be going home

She has no books so she can't be studying

And she's walking in the wrong direction of our house

My heart stopped beating when I realised just what direction she was walking in. I quickly stood up catching everyone's attention. As the class was all quiet. I started running towards the door when I got stopped by the teacher.

"Where do you think your going mister?" Ms Sheldon scolded me. This was not the time for some dumb teacher to stop me. I angrily pushed past her opening the classroom door. I heard multiple gasps from the class seeing me pushing past her in such a rush. I ignored them and I ran down the halls my breathing becoming slightly strained from my lack of running training recently.

I had been so caught up in looking after Astrid and looking after myself I couldn't really get out and go to the gym but I wasn't going to let that stop me.

Reaching the edge of the school a minute later I didn't stop once wanting and needing to know Astrid is safe. Running through the park as quickly as I could I just started to see the top of the bridge come in view. I was just hoping what I though was happening was wrong I just hoped it was just some twisted through and Astrid just wanted to go for a walk in the middle of the school day.

A minute later and I'm face to face with the bridge my breathing ragged and face red. Looking quickly up and down I saw her Blonde hair blowing in the wind her body looked like it was shaking from her sobs. My faced dropped even more when I saw her lifting her right leg over the railing.

'No no no no no no' I mumbled to myself as I ran the remaining 20 meters between us. As I reached there I slowed down not wanting to scar her. Now that I was closer I could in fact see her crying full on tears falling down her face.

"A-astrid," I slowly placed my hands on Astrid's shoulders making sure she wouldn't jump.

Astrid immediately flinched at the contact with her eyes growing wide when seeing me. Astrid quickly pulled away from the railings lifting her leg back over and stood in the right side of the fence.

"H-hiccup I swear I wasn't going to," Astrid bust into tears falling onto her knees. Slowly I followed her down pulling her in for a hug. As tears flowed down my cheeks I mentally scolded myself for crying in front of Astrid when she was the one wanting to end her life.

"Astrid please," I mumbled into her hair not wanting her to lie to me anymore.

"I'm sorry I-I just wanted to end this all, is that so bad?" Astrid sobbed into her hands harder. And just listening to Astrid admit it herself made even more fresh tears fall down my face.

"Astrid, why baby why would you do that?" I pulled away to see her eyes they where bloodshot and her cheeks where red.

"Merida said that you tried kissing her and said that I was annoying and whined all time and I just though because your the one keeping me here that if you didn't even like me there was no point of me being here. And I feel like I'm just weighing you down and I just can't," Astrid hid her wet face in my neck.

Merida did this, Merida was the reason Astrid felt this low and tried to finally end it.... again.

"Astrid I would never I never tired to kiss her. Just remember what I said this morning Astrid. I love you,"

I saw Astrid slightly smiled before mumbling the words back to me.

"Astrid this has to change, you need some help your sad okay, after this we are going to book you in for therapy sessions I just don't want you hurting anymore," I gently took her chin in my hand making her look at me.

"Can you come too?" Astrid questioned.

I smiled and nodded at her "of course I'll be there to support you,"

"No, to make you happy. I want you to go see a therapist too," Astrid replied.

My eyes widened at that I mean I wasn't sad, or depressed and I didn't think I needed a therapist but if it's what makes Astrid go then I will.

"Okay," I smiled down at Astrid, I was scared to let her out of my sight again I didn't want her hurting I really just wanted her happy. I love her and I need her here with me.

My smiled dropped when I realised that me and Astrid where in love and I had not made a move to ask her out. I wanted to but I didn't know if this was the right time or not.

"Astrid, I love you," Astrid's smile widened even more, no one would guess that just minutes ago she was trying to end her life.

"And well I'm always going to be here for you no matter what and I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend and be there for each other for ever?" I nervously bit my lip hoping for a yes

Astrid's eyes widened as she quickly stood up smiling like an idiot. "Omg yes Hiccup! Of course," She pulled me up to her as we shared a sweet kiss and loving looks.

My heart raced as I pulled away for the kiss smiling happily at Astrid. I was so in love with my girlfriend and I would always be there for her no matter what because we where a couple now.


There you go

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