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Hello! Happy New Year!!! I hope you had a great winter break/holidays! This story is dedicated to my friend and pen pal, Lily aka  ! She requested this story and motivated me to write it! I hope she likes it!

Also, a fair warning; it's been a couple of years since i watched Wolfblood so there might be some incorrect discribitions of events also i made it a little AU.

Now, enjoy!!!

Felicity Megan Smoak was a young girl full of energy that everyone wondered where she found it.

Her mum would smile with a secretive way and look at her daughter proudly whenever this question would pop up in the conversations she had with other parents.

With years Felicity's perkiness got her into Cheerleading team and Decathlon teams and she was a captain of the Handball Girl Team of the town they were living in.

At the age of ten though her mum had heard a rumor of a girls getting raped around the city so she decided to teach Felicity how to fight back or defend herself so Felicity started kickboxing classes and she loved them!

By the time she was fifteen Donna saw the wolf inside her, how her eyes would glow yellow when she would get angry or super sad or anxious. She knew that her transition was around the corner so she called her ex-husband, Noah.

Noah gladly agreed to take her with him and teach her about Wolfbloods and he even suggested that they would break the news together.

Noah and Donna might have broken up and divorced when Felicity was four years old but Noah always tried to be there for both women. He had another family back in UK and his new family were like extended family to both Donna and Felicity.

On every birthday either Noah with his new family would go to Las Vegas to see them or Donna and Felicity would fly to Stoneybridge and surprise them. Felicity's half siblings, David, Matt and Rachel, were glad to have her around. The triplets were glad to have an older sister looking out for them. Rachel aspirated to become the Captain of her school's Field Hockey team while David started a Photography club and became a cheerleader himself. As for Matt he tried for the local archery team of their town and he was the captain. And he became a Scout boy too! They looked upon Felicity to set the example that is why they went into sports in the process of things they also found out that they liked them!

Donna and Ashley were good friends and trusted each other. There was no bad blood between them because Noah had been honest with both women and didn't cheat on them while they were in a relationship.

Noah loved Donna since he was a crazy college student in a Youth Exchange program he participated and she was waitress in a coffee shop. They continued talking via letters and visited each other until Noah decided to transfer colleges and go to Boston where Donna was studying to be a nurse.

So when Felicity reached her sixteenth birthday Donna was panicking and didn't hide that well from her teenage daughter.

"Mum? What is wrong? You heart is beating so loud that I can hear it from my room upstairs!" Felicity had said like listening someone's heartbeat from miles if not rooms and floors away was normal...well for her was but not for a human.

"Honey, I'm fine!" Donna had lied but the second the sentence came out of her mouth she regret it and tried to change it but the doorbell rang and Felicity sniffed the air and smiled like it was Christmas to her mother;

"Dad is here!" She had yelled in joy as she run to the door and open it revealing Noah, Ashley, David, Matt and Rachel smiling at her and shoving birthday gifts in her face.

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