The News

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Hello! I'm so sorry for not uploading this in so many months! I got sidetracked by college essays and personal struggles with my depression and family drama! But i hope the chapter makes up for it! The story took a complete different turn than i anticipated while i was first writing it but i like where this is going!

I want your help though, once you've done reading this chapter i want you to review/comment down below what do you think will happen next!

Sorry so much for the delay!


Felicity, Rhydian and the entire restaurant stare at the screen in shock, horror and sadness.

"What a stupid move by those people! They didn't even thought about the other Wolfbloods who don't want their secrets exposed? A man from some table at the back exclaimed in anger and worry.

As for Felicity and Rhydian they run out of the dinner leaving a big tip on the table as a paycheck. Their appetite was long gone. Way gone.

Their lives were in danger...well Felicity's mostly. They reached her apartment and she quickly rushed to the bedroom.

She bends down from the bed and pulls out a suitcase, a big suitcase! Then she twirled around in the house and room gathering essentials like clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush...everything!

"Rhydian, can you tap roughly the inside of my wardrobe and take everything from there with the gloves on the dresser." Felicity yelled at him from the inside bathroom.

Rhydian did as he was told but cursed under his breath when he saw the big sums of money and guns inside the hole on the wall.

"Um...Felicity! Why do you have guns? Do you have license for them?" Rhydian whispered yelled in shock at Felicity who rushed out the bathroom towards the suitcase on the bed.

"Because as long as hunters exist Segolia can't do shit to protect us no matter what they preach otherwise my dad wouldn't have been their first victim in this shitty life!" Felicity said to Rhydian in anger, her wolf was out of control.

She zipped the bag and put it over her shoulder then did the same for the one with her guns and then looked at Rhydian and with her head motioned the door who he nodded and opened the door for her.

Then as the loaded the car she run back inside the house and opened the kitchen and then all the windows when she saw the first flame appear she run out of the apartment and rang the fire bell and then run again and climbed to her car as they sped off.

"Did you just set the entire apartment in flames? What the fuck, Felicity?!" Rhydian exclaimed in horror at his friend's tactics but Felicity didn't say anything.

She was so done with running but she knew she couldn't do anything about it. They rented a hotel under a false name and then decided to get some rest as they watched the news she saw that her apartment was on fire and she knew that Oliver will start blowing up her phone and tracking her down so she smashed her phone and threw it away.

"What are you planning to do now?" Rhydian asked her helplessly as they laid face to face on the twin beds.

"Go get my mum and my daughter and then maybe fly to Canada? To you and that will draw attention to you two. Fly to London and make sure Jana and the pack are able to fight them off." Felicity said calculating and slightly worried.

One the other side of Starling City Oliver was training with Sara when Diggs raised the voice of the monitor that spoke of the news about the fire in Felicity's apartment.

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