Right Now Your Voice Will Be A Weapon

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Hello!!! I wanted to say a disclaimer, this chapter might not be perfect and has some in consistances. The reason is like this and why another story of mine called "The Past Invades The Present" is because i'm not home or in my college town having my own space and peace to write...i'm with my parents in my maternal's grandmother's hometown dealing with some family heritage stuff and from what i was told we might have to drag everyone related to my mum's side to court to clear some things...

Furthermore, the house we are staying has no internet and i have to go to Internet cafes to upload and have no time to proof read it like i normally do because it has noise and the computers are unfamiliar and time is money (i pay by the hour) and i don't want to weight my parents with extra expenses.

Now, that explanation are over i wanted to say a huge thank you to @Riptide3625 for encouraging me to write another chapter and help me when i was stuck and ran out of ideas! I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's dedicated to you!!!!


Felicity, Rhydian, Steven, Mr. Silvers and Elizabeth were talking about possible way to let the press know about what humans are doing to Wolfbloods.

"I can have my sister come the day after tomorrow in the afternoon and take interview from every single person here. Now, I have to go to QC to put up pretences. Felicity and dad could you take consent from everyone in order Louisa can interview them?" Steven asked in a hurry as he checked his watch and it was already morning of the next day.

They had stayed up all night talking.

"Sure, son! Have a great day at work...all things considered." Mr. Silvers said kindly as he hugged his son.

Steven nodded and waved goodbye to his new found friends.

"Okay, I'm staying till this mess is over." Rhydian stated and Felicity shook her head no.

"What if your passport expires and the government starts looking for you in order to leave and go back to Canada? Rhydian, if you attempt this not only putting yourself in danger of getting evicted from a country you also risk they find out that you are a Wolfblood and they might name you a terrorist because you were in the country and all of this started!" Felicity tried to reason with him.

"You also have your wife and unborn baby to think about." Elizabeth pitched in and Rhydian let out a growl of hopelessness as slammed to the bed.

"I can't do anything right...I'm so afraid!" Rhydian admitted in sadness and shame.

"We all are." Elizabeth told him truthfully and Rhydian looked around him for the first time. Really seeing this time how many people were gathered close to each other or laid in their beds looking lost the ceiling or how teenagers held smaller kids who cried out for their parents and the teenagers silently cried too because they missed their parents too but had to put a brave face.

He saw how a teenager boy holding a few months old baby. He was playing with him by putting a rock in a can and shaking making the baby laugh with happiness.

Rhydian walked hesitantly up to him and sat next to him.

"How are you?" Rhydian asked him and the boy looked at him with a lost expression.

"I'm good...I wasn't experimented on for long...but my son's mother was. He's name is Joshua and I will give him his middle name the name Daniel after his mother...my girlfriend. She died...they killed her and they killed my parents. I'm the only thing he has...he is the only thing I have and I'll damned if they kill him just because of what he is! I will protect him until my dying breath!" The boy said to Rhydian and he looked at little Joshua Daniel who was so oblivious to the horror he survived.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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