Never noticed (Otis)

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You were in the back of the lab trying to fix a gadget. You were a pretty good scientist, you were offered to be head scientist but Oona came and people started ignoring you, again. You liked the back though, there's lots of space to work.

"Y/n~!" Chirps your best friend, Olympia.

"Hey, what's up?" You asked her still focusing on your gadget.

"I want you to meet someone, or they want to meet you, no wait they never even seen you before, but i want you to meet them." Olympia babbles on and You chuckle.

"Olympia i don't like meeting new people plus if this person hasn't even seen me, what's the point." You sigh.

"Your just like him.. Trust me, you'll get along," you look at her sternly, "come on Y/n! You need more friends then just me."

You sigh and nod. Olympia always convinces you to do the little things. She jumps up and down and squeals. She takes your hand and pulls you to the main lobby. She has a strong grip for a little person. She walks to her desk. There, her partner, Otis, sits at his own desk doing his paperwork.

You breathe uneasily and your heart races. Butterflies flutter in your stomach as you walk closer. Olympia glances at you and smiles.

"Otis, this is Y/n. Y/n this is Otis." She introduces you two.

"Olympia i told you i don't need friends." He says turning around. He looks at Olympia then you. His eyes widen and his face grows a light pink.

"I didn't know we recruited a new scientist," He says. Your eye brows knit together.

"I've been working here for two years!" You say angrily. His eyes widen more.

"I-I'm sorry.. i never noticed you." He quickly says. You focus on the ground.

"Yeah I'm use to that." You say.

"That's not all true! Your my best friend y/n and now you have a new friend, now talk while i go.. do.. something." She quickly walks off.

You sigh knowing if you just leave she'll get mad and you don't want her mad. You sit down, looking at the desk afraid to look up.

"If you've been working here for two years, then why have i never seen you?" Otis asks.

You look up at him, actually getting a good look at him. He had baby blue eyes you can get lost in forever. He's blonde hair swiped to the left side of his face, a piece of hair falls onto his face. Freckles lightly kiss his nose.

"I'm usually in the back where there's less people." You say. You don't like people that much, so it was a plus working in the back.

As you explained to him, he listened intently,  staring right into your e/c eyes. You stare at each other in silence. You clear your throat and smirk.

"Wait, aren't you new?" You ask. He looks at you weirdly.

"Yeah? I became an agent when Olympia did." He says questionably.

"I never noticed." You said with a smirk. He lightly chuckles.

"Yeah, ha ha, real funny." He mocks with a smile. You smile back and giggle.
(I hate the word giggle)

"So what's your past? What's your story?" You ask. His smile turns into a frown.

"That's not important." He clears his throat, "sorry I'm the forget about the past it's the present kind of guy." He quickly adds.

"Hm.. I like you, Friend." You smirk. He smiles but he's eyes say a different story.

"Yeah, you too." He says. You can hear the sadness in his voice.

Your stomach is practically infected with butterflies. Your heart is beating against your rib cage. Strong emotions flood through your veins. Emotions you never felt before.

"You sound sad. You don't want to be friends?" You ask and your heart almost jumps out of your chest. He's silent for several minutes, deep in thought.

"Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? I'll pay." He asks, his cheeks a bright pink. You smile.

"Sure, as long as you notice me." You joke.

"No problem."


I'm so pumped for Monday's Movie premiere. I'm going to post a lot of Todd One shots Monday so be prepared. (If you request others than those too). Okay till next time! Vote and comment.

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