Unforgettable (Todd)

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"Is not!" You yell with anger.

"Is too!" Todd yells back.

You were both arguing with each other about which villain is causing odd. Everyone, in headquarters were watching you two. Todd was now a Gardner but you called him in for help.

"I'm tired of you two fighting!" Me. O yells. You both close your mouth. "There is only one way to solve this."

They handcuffed you. They handcuffed you to each other. Ms. O smiles, "You will be free after you resolve your differences."

You huff and Todd just stands there, "i have a garden to tend to."

"Yeah and i have cases to do." You say.

"Figure it out then." She walks away.

You stand there in awkward silence. You didn't look at each other, or you weren't looking at Todd. Todd sighs and you sigh as well.

"I have to get back to my garden." He says.

"I have to finish my Case." You retort.

"Fine!" He yells, "we'll go to my garden and work on your Case,"

You look at him and nod. He leads you two to the tubes. You had to put on a harness so you can both go in the tubes in the same ball. You kept pushing each other in the tube.

"I hate you so much!" You finally yell.

"Well i hate you more!" He fires back.

"I Hate you." You say with a smile.

Todd laughs, "i hate you more." He jokes back.

You both stared at each other and smiled. You messed up his brown hair and he laughs and makes a fake mad face. You laugh at his terrible acting.

"We use to say as joke when were younger," you say aloud.

"Yeah, when i was a," he makes a sour face, "agent."

You both walk from behind a tree. You struggle to take the harness off, you give up and begin walking to his garden in silence. Todd pulls down to pull a weed, forgetting you were handcuffed. He pulls you down and you land in his peppers. You pulls you out and huffs angrily.

"You messes up my peppers! My beautiful peppers! Can you do anything besides messing up?" Your face saddens.

"Me messing up? Really?! Your throne that pulled me!" You retort back.

He stares at you for a minute and ribs your cheek. You flinch trying to get him to stop touching you, "What are you doing?"

"You had dirt on your face."

Todd helps you up from the ground. You were running in the park and you fell. He laughs at you and your face burns in embarrassment. He stops laughing and rubs your cheek.

"You has dirt in your face." He says and chuckles. You couldn't help but smile.

"Remember when you fell in the park?" Todd laughs.

"That wasn't funny." Your face as red as a tomato. Todd goes over to his tomatoes and picks a red one.

"This is your face." He laughs obnoxiously.

"You're so mean." You say looking at the ground.

"Aw, you know you love me." He jokes.

"Todd, I-i love you." You say embarrassed.

Todd looks at you and smiles. He walks closer to you, his hazel brown eyes staring in you e/c ones. He leans in and your lips connect. He pulls away, "i love you too."

You look down at the ground, "Why are we arguing?"

"Our unforgettable past," he hesitates, "I still love you."

"If you did, you wouldn't have left me. You wouldn't have gotten bored." You say, facing away from him.

He pulls you closer to him. He attempts to hug you but fails, "I'm so sorry Y/n, really. Can we, can we start over?"

You look at him, his beautiful brown hazel eyes stare brightly at you. You sigh and nod. He smiles that smile you love so much. The corner of your mouth tugs into a smile.

Your lips collide. You gasp, surprised but you give in. Sparks fly through your body. You smile into the kiss. He pulls away with a toothy grin. He's an idiot you think and and chuckle.


I just watched the movie and i like it. Lol i guess i expected more but it was great. Hope you enjoy! Vote wand comment.

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