Law and Order (Otis)

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I just watched a law and order episode and this is based of this. So ahead of time, it isn't a regular.. kid thing. More like detectives that are.. well kids. I'll try to make it as ofd as possible. YEeT YEeT Enjoy. (I watch a lot of criminal shows)


"Something very odd has happened." Ms. O says.

"What's happening?" You ask.

"People are going missing. At each crime scene, there's an object left," She hands a file folder. Your partner, Otis, takes it.

"What are you waiting for? GO!" She yells and you scurry out.

You walk to our desks silently and Otis opens the folder. You look at each photo, noticing a toy sheep left at each scene. You read the Case and look up at each other, confusion spread across your faces.

"Who could this be?" You ask.

"Shape shifter?" He says questionably.

"I don't think it's her," You reply and Otis groans, "how about we go to a villains house and ask them."

"Okay." He says and you walk to the tube lobby. You go up the tubes.

"Why would this villain take people?" You ask going through the tubes.

"I'm not sure but whatever it is, it's going to be bad." He says and you nod in agreement.

The cool air breezes through your hair. The afternoon sun shines brightly in the middle of the blue sky. Today was just a perfect day in your opinion.

"Oh how i wish we can just enjoy today." You say looking at the sky. Otis looks over at you with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah it would've been great," He says. You walk in silence thinking about the case your on.

"Where should we go?" Otis asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Noise maker? No, Even Steven. He's one of my favorite villains." You laugh.

"Alright, lets go." He walks faster and you struggle to keep up with him.

"Why are you walking fast?" You ask jogging to keep up.

"Well i want i want to finish this fast so i can-" his badge begins ringing. He sighs and answers.

"Hello?" He asks. He nods and says a lot of 'okays', "Yes Ms. O, goodbye."

He puts his badge back and sighs.

"Another missing person, a man by the name of Glen, lets get to the scene." He begins walking again.

"So, what were about to say?" You ask trotting up beside him.

"It's not important." He says, looking ahead.

"Pwease Otis." You go in front of him and give him puppy dog eyes.

"I was wondering, if we finish this early, if you want to have a picnic," his face turns red "date."

You give him a toothy grin "of course." He smiles proudly and continues walking.


You make your way to the last place the missing person has been. You two look around, finding a toy sheep on the ground. You look at it and look at Otis, who looks at you. You begin asking the people that were around the missing person.

One guy, in particular, looks rather suspicious. He had brown, thinning hair that was turning grey. A big nose and big glasses. He clutches his stomach and looked down at the ground.

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