Okay so I was taking out my dog and she kinda goes in crackhead dog mode and sticks her nose into the dirt but she saw another dog so she kinda sPEEDED TOWARDS IT so I was like "BON VON!1!" And my dog cirCLED AROUND HIM AND HE WAS LIKE OH SHIT so he fell on his ass and then I heard lOUD music in the house next door and then I heard someone SCREAM "OH SHIT BON VON DID IT AGAIN" and then a HUGE BREAKING GLASS SOUND APPEARS and let's just say there was a lot of questions I was asking after that.
Idek where I'm going with this but this Instagram page that I'm kinda falling in love with called Paperbooks always makes me laugh so I guess I'm kinda trying to do that??? Idk let me know if I should continue this or nah.