Chapter 3

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Monique groaned and threw her head onto her pillow for the thousandth time. She raised the volume on her iPod. She closed her eyes, trying to imagine the possibilities of a perfect world. A world without all this dark magic.

Everything seemed so far and stressful. Her family wanted to know who'd she support. The storage company hadn't called back yet. She had to work in a few hours. Her ex's and old friends wanted detailed explainations of where'd she'd been. She took a deep breath, wondering what to do. She had to work obviously, but when it came to the other aspects of her life, she felt trapped. What could she do with all the expectations people had of her?

That's when everything froze. Monique's eyes snapped opened as she smiled, heard the muted piano on her iPod. She sat up, grinning as she moved her shoulders to the beat. And she began to jump around and dance, while singing loudly.

"Stu-u-uck in a limbo, here we go!" She grabbed a comb and began to sing. "Me and my sins go toe to toe. I played a vicious part. I've broken my fair share of hear-ar-arts. I'm about to blow. So if you come around then you should know I'll tear you up in two! Go ahead walk it off if you know what's best for you!"

Bryanna raised a brow as she peeked into the room.

Monique continued dancing. "I'm no good for you! No. This heart ain't built for two, so run away, run away. 'Cause I'm no, I'm no, I'm no good for you." She paused as the door opened a bit and saw Bryanna laughing.

Monique cleared her throat, pulled out her earphones, and put her iPod away. "Is it, uhm... dinner time?"

Bryanna grinned. "Finish your concert."

Monique let out a small laugh as she rolled her eyes. "What do you want for dinner?"

Bryanna shrugged. "Is this what you do when I'm gone?"

"Only if it's not a full moon and I'm stressed."

"You're stressed all the time."

Monique paused. "Right." She walked past Bryanna. "So I think I'll make Alfredo or something for dinner. I think we already have the stuff for it."

"Cool." Bryanna walked with Monique to the kitchen. She began tightly twirling her blond between her fingers. She sat on the stool of the bar of the kitchen. "So, uhm..."

Monique placed two pots on the stove. She turned to Bryanna with a raised brow. "Uhm?"

Bryanna smiled and looked down at the bar. "Remember that cute guy that was here?"

Monique turned on the sink to put water in one of the pots and nodded. "Yeah. Why?"

"I'm thinking of joining his pack."

Monique's brows furrowed. "Pack? As in Teen Wolf?"

Bryanna nervously glanced at Monique. "Y-yeah."

Monique raised her head about to nod. "So you're going to be in a wolf war?"

"Uh..." Bryanna paused. "Well, apparently, vampires are going to kill me." She stopped twirling her hair.

Monique turned back to the stove. Something felt off. She placed the noodles in the pot with water. "There's vampires..."


"Okay, so instead of sticking with the storage plan that has worked for three years now, you're going to join a werewolf pack?" She raised a brow. "Who are most likely throwing themselves out there to be threatened by vampires?"

Bryanna paused. She nodded. "Yeah. I mean, the vampires actually start it, and with the pack, well, there hasn't exactly been a lot of new reports of bodies being torn apart by wolves. In fact, the police are looking for the wolves that seem to have come from another territory."

Monique nodded and turned back to the stove, making the alfredo sauce. "That's true. Well, give it a shot. There's nothing that we shouldn't try. Maybe they'll even help us find a cure."

Bryanna smiled. "So I should try this?"

"If it gets you the cute guy and a way out, yes." Monique laughed lightly. "I still don't like how he downgraded me for my idea, but he doesn't seem like a murderer."

"He's right though."

Monique shrugged. "If he wants to be."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bryanna grinned.

Monique turned to Bryanna. "Just be careful. He's still a stranger. We met him a few hours ago, so watch out."

Bryanna nodded. "I'll be careful. I'm a smart girl."

"I know. You know what to look and hear for."

Bryanna nodded again. "Don't you think it's pretty scary? All these things out there."

Monique nodded. "That's why I don't like going outside at night unless I have to. And if the vampires are real..."

"They could be anyone..."

Monique sighed as she stirred the noodles. "This world just gets more and more dangerous... Soon I'll have to wear garlic, crosses, and silver bullets."

Bryanna raised a brow. "Why silver bullets?"

"Other werewolves."

"Those are people!"

"I'm a person too..." Monique locked eyes with Bryanna for a long moment. "There's werewolves, there's vampire, there's probably more things out there that will try to eat me. Who knows how many werewolves there are in this city alone since Kyle said packs not pack."

Bryanna stayed silent. She sighed. "Most werewolves seem tamed. I haven't seen that many news reports about wolves eating people. And the vampires are supposedly civil as of right now."

"But what about later?" Monique frowned. "What if, because I'm not a werewolf or in a pack, I'm not safe from vampires?"

Bryanna nodded silently. "I'm sure that whatever pack I join will help protect you."

"I hope so," Monique said lowly taking out a strainer.


Bryanna stared at her phone. It had been more than a handful of hours since Kyle told her to call. Monique was already at work, and she wasn't coming back until the morning. Bryanna was on her own, and this was all so new. However, it'd be worth it if everything Kyle said was true and she'd be safe. Letting a deep breath out, Bryanna picked the phone up and dialed.


Bryanna smiled widely. "Hey, Kyle. You told me to call."

He let out a small laugh. "I knew you'd call. You're a little late though."

"So, uhm, what did your wolf boss say?"

"I think he said yes?"

"What do you mean?"

Kyle stayed quiet for a moment. "Well, he wants to meet you, to see if he wants you in. Come to Dianna's Cafe in about an hour. We'll both meet you there. You know where that is right?"

"Yeah, it's down the street from the pink bakery."


"Okay. I'll see you there."

"Wait," Bryanna almost yelled.


Bryanna stayed quiet. She thought she was meeting only with Kyle. She thought Kyle was going to ask her on a date before she met the pack. But she couldn't find the words to make it seem like that wasn't the only thing on her mind. "I forgot."

"Forgot what?"

"What I was going to say."

"Oh. Was it important?"

"I don't think so."

"Alright. See you in a bit then."

"Okay. Bye."

Bryanna hung up and started getting ready. She dressed casually but warmly for the winter cold of East Hampton. She wished herself luck and was on her way to Dianna's Cafe.

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