[5]Voodoo and a llama?!

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[5]Voodoo and A llama?

Matt, one of Brice's best friend, stood there, just waiting for me. He saw me and smiled.

"Hi Elina, I was just wondering-" I cut him off before he even started.

"Matt. Do you really want to ask me that?"

"Well duh, your hot and you seem pretty cool and-" I once again, cut him off.

"Do you realize what you just said?"


"Because I think its total bull. Completely. Every word. You're just saying this to get in my pants because I got a makeover!"


I laughed bitterly. "That's what I thought hunny," I said slamming my locker and walking away.

Holly soon joined me, walking along.

"What happened?"

"He wanted in my pants. I don't really know about this whole makeover thing..."

"C'mon Elina, you can do what that dolly llama guy does, and meditate or something."

"Don't you mean the Dali Llama? Doesn't he just pray?"

"Um... I'm not exactly sure. We can do voodoo on Brice and his minions and see if that works?" she said, more of a question than an answer.

I smiled. "Okay, sure. Let's try that. You need to come over tomorrow night though. We have the next day of school off for teacher planning day." She agreed, and we walked into the lunch room. Everything went deathly silent, and for some reason that annoyed the heck out of me.

I looked around then shouted "WHAT?!" That seemed to make the conversations start again.

The next day came and went, quite quickly, actually. Mason wasn't at school, so I was happy with that. What I didn't enjoy were all the glares I was getting from the girls, and the lustful looks from guys. There were actually some glares from guys and lustful looks from girls too... Yeah, I didn't get it either.

When Holly came over we started gossiping.

"...yeah, I was like 'purple monkeys?' and he was like 'noo, 540' and im all 'WTF?!'" she said, finishing her story. I honestly couldn't follow any of it, but whatever floats her boat.

"Moving on, shall we do voodoo?" she asked.

"I thought you were kidding about that..."

"Oh, no, no, no. I already made the voodoo dolls!" she said, pulling out about 5 stuffesocks with names labeled on them.

"Well... Oh, why not? Give me the Brice doll"

We spent the rest of the night doing voodoo one various people. What we didn't know was at that very same moment, Candy was plotting her revenge.


Okay, I'm so VERY VERY VERY sorry for not posting in forever. I have just a few things to rant about right now, but first, I shall say another sorry for this being so short [or shorter than usual] It's more of a filler, just so it can introduce Candy's revenge plot [which you will fount out more about later... did that sound like a correct sentence? O.o] So yes, sorry about that...

The song on the song really doesn't relate at all to this chapter, but I like it and was listening to it while writing.

Okay, this just shows how blonde I am [No offense, I am actually blonde, so I say it a lot as a joke. So don't go cryin saying "OH JAMIEE OFFENDED ME BY IMPLYING BLONDES ARE STUPID! WAHHHH!" or... something of that sort xD] I almost put mascara on my lips. See, I was looking for my chap-stick type of stuff, and I just unknowingly unscrewed the mascara cap, and when it was about a few centimeters from my lips I look down and scream. No joke.

Yes, I have no idea what else I was gonna rant about... so um... GOODBYE MEH WONDERFUL READERS! :D Luv ya all.

Less than three! -Jamiee

P.S. ANDY SIXX OH MY GOD!<3<3<3 Such blue eyes :]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2010 ⏰

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