⇝ g.l. | | let it snow

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Pairing(s): Lafayette x Reader

Warning(s): none!

Request: Can i get a modern fem.Reader x Lafayette where the reader steals Lafayette's winter sweater and is smelling it lovingly and lafayette catches her

Pronouns used by reader: she/her

Time Period: Modern


Y/n loved quietness as much as the next person, but this was ridiculous

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Y/n loved quietness as much as the next person, but this was ridiculous. Without Lafayette's desire to talk and make conversation, Y/n was stuck with hours of constant quietness, with occasional meows from the cat when he wanted attention. Lafayette was out on a business trip for Washington Incorporated, and ever since a slight implication, Y/n had to leave her work at Washington Inc. while Lafayette got to keep seeing their friends and enjoy the wonderful job while she was stuck at home without him. Although she had to admit she was so proud of him and how far he had come. The had met each other when he transferred to Princeton College, her friend Hercules actually introduced them in the first place.

Biting her lip, Y/n moved from her spot on the couch to make her way to the bathroom. She made it to the bathroom rather quickly to turn on the water. Letting the water flow down and warm up, she began to peel off her layers of clothes. Adding bubble soap and turning off the water she stepped into the tub delicately. Half an hour later, she left the tub and opened the drain to watch as the no longer bubbly water went down the drain. Soon after she dried herself with a cold towel.

Heading to her bedroom she passes the laundry room. Catching a glimpse of a certain piece of clothing, Y/n smirked to herself and took the sweater, that was her husband's, back to the room which she shared with Lafayette. Slipping out of the towel that was around her, she put on undergarments followed by a pair of jeans, an undershirt, and some fluffy socks. Turning back to the sweater placed on the bed, Y/n pulled it over her slightly damp hair. She smiled as it had Lafayette's scent. He smelt like musk and gardenias.

Rising her arm to her nose, she tried to get a thicker scent of him. While she was enjoying the sweet aroma, she didn't hear her husband come in. Lafayette walked into the house, tired from his friends' shenanigans at work. He set his stuff down and looked around for his wife. The first place to look was definitely the bedroom they shared, and sure enough, she was there, sniffing his sweater that was on her body. He smiled at the joy emitting from her. At that moment he got the brilliant idea to show her that he was home.

He quietly walked up to her and lifted her from the floor. "Ah!" She yelled. "Don't worry, it's your wonderful husband, home from work." He smiled, Y/n turned her head to give him 'are you serious?' stare then asked him to put her down. Once she collected herself and smoothed out the sweater. "How's was your day at work?" She asked. "It was good. The usual, Thomas and Alexander fighting, James taking Thomas's side. Even better when I got home and found my love with my sweater." Y/n face heated from embarrassment that he caught what she was doing.

"I don't know about you but I miss the craziness of Alex and Thomas." She stated, reminiscing about her friends. "Trust me, you shouldn't. Those two are children." Lafayette said, "though I wouldn't mind children of our own, why don't we make some of our own" "Well," Y/n started, ignoring the last part of his sentence, "I'm glad you say that because I'm pregnant."

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