Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Happy Birthday, Alex!" Those were the first words that came out of my two best friend's mouths when I stepped out of my car.

Kayla Summers and Tiffany Merley had been my first friends when I first came to Miami High School 9 months ago and we had been inseparable ever since. To me, they are kind of like my sisters.

Ever since I moved from California to Miami, a lot of things drastically changed for me and Mom. She and dad divorced because of a little relationship problem that occurred back in California. Dad met another woman, who happens to be my boyfriend's mom. On the other hand, mom met another guy, which happens to me my boyfriend's dad. I know, trust me; I'm freaked out about it just like you are. My boyfriend, Aiden Ryder, and I felt pretty awkward about it too. Hell, our relationship is getting weirder and weirder.

Back to reality. Oh yeah, today is my seventeenth birthday. Awesome, right? Not really. My first birthday without my dad and brother, Jason. I felt nostalgic.

I turned to my friends and smiled, "Thanks you guys." We three way hugged.

We were interrupted by a commotion at the quad. Two guys were beating up each other on the ground. I almost laughed but I noticed something weird. It was Dustin Bates, a senior asshole, and Aiden. My mouth gaped as me and my friends ran towards them. Kids were forming a circle and were yelling "fight, fight, fight!" I gritted my teeth and shoved through.

Dustin, that bastard was punching Aiden in the stomach and holding him in a headlock. I narrowed my eyes and stepped forward and deftly pressed on his pressure point. He gasp in pain and froze while I took that advantage and flipped him to his back. I pinned him down. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aiden stood up and walk towards me. I shot him a look that clearly said, "Stay where you are."

I hissed in Dustin's ear, "If I let you go, are you going to attack me?"

He shook his head and I carefully stood up.

I gave Dustin a final warning glare and grabbed Aiden's arm to leave. We were standing by a private and shady tree when I turned and face him, "What happened out there?"

He sighed and wipes his cheek where he was bruised and said, "Nothing, Alex. Let it go."

"The hell I will. I was involved, so I have the right to know!"

He gave me a long look and said, "Dustin was trash talking about you. He said you were a morphodite because you can play football and wrestle."

I ran my hand through my light brown hair and sighed, "He's not worth it, Aiden. What he said is not true so you should just ignore him."

He gave me a teasing smile, "Says the girl who just beat the crap out of him."

"I didn't beat the crap out of him. I just made him forfeit," I protested.

"Same difference, babe." With that he leaned in and kissed me.

"Happy Birthday, Alex," He gave me a soft smile that melted my heart.

Football Player, not Ex-Cheerleader [Ex-Cheerleader #2]Where stories live. Discover now