Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Good news, guys. Since you guys worked so hard this season, I thought you might like a treat. All of you are going to go to California for a vacation this summer!" Coach Jeff happily announced.

That is so awesome. We're going to California. I felt like breaking into a happy dance but then again, I'm already weird enough.

"Here's the catch though. You guys need to earn some money for this trip. I already have a majority of the amount needed, but we need about two hundred more dollars. All of the staff agreed that they need their cars wash, so we will be conducting a Car Wash during sixth period. All twenty of you will get to wash cars starting tomorrow so bring assessable clothes, got it? Dismiss."

With that I walked to the Girl's Locker and changed. I was still trying not to bounce with excitement when I felt someone standing next to me. No, not someone, something. I turned and met the gaze of a three bitches named Candace, Cassidy, and Cameron.

"I thought I smell something gross next to me. Not really surprised that it's you though," I gave her sweet smile.

"Morphodite just thought I'll tell you something. Back off from my boyfriend, got it? Don't touch him," she snarled.

"You mean, Dustin, the asshole that fought with my boyfriend?" I smirked.

"Wow, Candace. You have really great taste. You both are a match made in heaven, you know that? Or hell, whatever works," I said and walked away.

I was about to leave and when I turned back and said, "Don't worry, bitch. I wouldn't touch him even if you paid me."

I walked to my car and chuckled. Candace and Dustin, both asses and airheads, yep they're perfect for each other alright.

I got in my Audi and was about to start it when I felt my phone vibrate. I opened the text and it read Come over to my house. -Aiden.

I smiled and drove over to his house. I thought back to the Homecoming, when I gave up my virginity to him. It was perfect, he treated me like I was fragile and repeated asked me if I was okay when it was over. He was incredibly sweet.

I finally parked in front of his house and walked in. Eerie, the house was dark. Okay, if a serial killer jumps out and tries to kill me, I am going to kick his ass. Seriously. I turned the knob and was ambushed by a loud, "Surprise! Happy Birthday, Alex."

I look around and saw every one of my friends smiling at me. I gave them a huge smile of my own and said, Thanks guys."

"In My Head" by Jason Derulo was blasting out of the speakers as everyone danced and ate. I was in the middle of walking towards the kitchen when I felt arms around my waist. I turned to smile at Aiden.

"A surprise party? How unoriginal," I joked.

"Well, this is just the beginning, Alex," he leaned in a gave me a warm kiss.

He brought his lips close to my ears and whispered, "Ready to open your presents?"

I nodded and he led me to the living room where I saw a huge pile of wrapped gifts. Aww.

"Alex!" Tiffany ran up to me and handed me a pink wrapped box with a red ribbon.

I tore the paper and lifted the lid and smiled. It was a cute white sundress. I gave her a hug and said, "Thanks, Tiff, I love it."

Kayla handed me a small box and I opened hers; it was black leather bangles. It was really pretty. I gave her a hug and said, "I love your gift, Kay, thanks."

The nineteen of my guys gave me a signed football with all of their names on it. I choked and tried not to cry. This was a really thoughtful gift. We group hugged.

The party went on for awhile but soon everyone left. Now, it was just me and Aiden.

"Thanks for throwing me this party," I said as I leaned down and laid my head on his shoulders.

"No problem. Oh and here," he took something out of his pockets and I took it. It was a pair of silver earrings. Whoa.

I looked at him and he met my gaze.

"You didn't have to buy me this," I said.

"Yeah, but when I saw that, it reminds me of you," he replied.

In answer I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed. He laid me on my back and the kiss deepens into something hot and heavy. My hands involuntarily went under his shirt and was skimming his hard chest. I felt his hands playing at the straps of by bra and I groaned. Damn, I have to stop with this reaction when I'm with him. He must have known what I was thinking because he whispered against my lips, "Relax."

My lips were too busy to answer and Aiden's hand traveled down my thighs. Since I was wearing shorts, I felt heat flashed down and I nearly melted. I lifted up his shirt and he tugged off mine. He unclasps my bra expertly and I flipped him so I was on top. He moaned when I pressed his erection and I smiled against his lips. He flips me over and yanked down my shorts. Red flag territory, right here. But seriously, I don't have much of self control to care.

We were about to continue when a knock on the bedroom door followed by a face peeking in hand be landing on the floor to hide my bare body.

Oh, crap, we're in trouble.

Football Player, not Ex-Cheerleader [Ex-Cheerleader #2]Where stories live. Discover now