Chapter 2 ~ Chase

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Chase's POV

'He's missing.'

Those two words rocked me to the core and made my blood run cold. The person who had made my life hell was gone and nowhere to be found. Brett Reed, the golden boy of Mapleville was missing. Who would have guessed? If anyone could have escaped and done something useful with their life it was him, we weren't all as lucky as he was. We didn't all have his privileged lifestyle.

Now that I glanced around the hallway I realized something was off, there wasn't the usual chatter and laughter like there was in a typical scene from a movie. There was a silence that hung heavy in the air, making the already crowded hallway suffocating to be in.

Brett Reed. Just the thought of his name made my stomach churn with anger. How dare he disappear after what had happened and leave me here to clean up the mess. In my opinion, it was a cowardly move, considering he was the instigator. 

I'm not stupid it doesn't take a genius to figure out what happens now, the hushed whispers in the hallway weren't just because Brett was missing. The whispers were about the two of us, the fight we had, and that was the last thing that happened before he went missing.

If he is trying to set me up, he was doing a good job of it. And that very thought made my frown deepen. I had a reputation. Not all of it was true, but people like to talk and embellish. 

Once I reach my locker, I feel a presence to my right. I glance at him letting my eyes roam him from head to toe before I let out a grunt and turn away acknowledging the fact that the smile he was wearing falters. Good. He should honestly know better by now, I don't give anyone my time of day let alone someone who is most likely fishing for false drama.

"Chase...." he mutters now unsure of himself, the confidence he had built up had now diminished leaving him glancing back helplessly at a group of guys over his shoulder, probably his friends.

"Whoever you are, you can leave me the fuck alone."

He stares at me, mouth slightly ajar as he tries to figure out what just happened. I huff and turn to leave. I don't have time to waste on this kid.  I can tell he is thinking of what to say to that, how to possibly gather more information to go back and spill to his eager friends.

"Wait I just wanted to know what your thoughts were on Brett and how he's gone, I mean do you actually believe it?"

I stop and look at him over my shoulder, who the hell was this kid, and why did he suddenly think we were friends and that I was going to give him an answer.

I turn around abruptly, catching him by surprise. I tower over his frame and I smirk, as he has to crane his neck to meet my eyes. I can see the fear slowly begin to seep in. I lean down and position myself so we are eye to eye.

He is scared, beyond scared at this point. I have an answer to the question that he doesn't look so eager to get now.

" You want to know what I think? I think you can get fucked."

And with that, I turn and walk away.

A permanent glare is embedded on my face by the time last period arrives. In fact, there are waves of anger radiating off me. I am beyond annoyed. The whispers floating around me as I sit in the tiny, dull room is claustrophobic, to say the least. Staring at the clock as my knee bounces up and down impatiently waiting for the bell. My head is swarming with thoughts overwhelming me. Brett is still gone, a part of me is waiting for him to walk through the school doors and for everything to go back to normal. But as the school day is almost over my hope for that fades.

I am the first one out of the classroom, I barge through the door, tuning out the urgent calling of my name. I keep walking. I want to escape. I need to escape.

"Chase, Chase!"

Annoyed I turn and scowl at the teacher in front of me.

"Yes," I say impatiently, just wanting to leave.

"Sorry to keep you back, but the principal has asked me to inform you that the police are here and would like to question you on the disappearance of Brett Reed."

My legs that were so ready to turn and walk out of the corridor are now routed to the spot, my mind goes blank as I mutely nod and follow her through the corridors. I had suspected this would happen but not so soon considering hes only been missing for just over 24 hours. Just because I was the last person seen with him, doesn't mean I know anymore than anyone else. 

But they don't know that. 


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Just a reminder that all chapters won't be this short :)

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