Chapter 32 ~ Chase

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Chase's POV

It is a stare down, one that I wasn't going to back down from easily. Because I have nothing left to say. I already told them I didn't know where Brett was when they asked me all those weeks ago, but they were reluctant to accept my answer.

They think that if they wait long enough that I will crack.

That I will cave into the silence, afraid of the consequences if I don't respond.

They don't realise that I have nothing to hide, I don't know where he has been up until recently.

They, on the other hand, are currently having a hard time believing that.

The officer who had come to the dance earlier (who I had found out is named Dylan) is standing across from me next to Sage's dad. They are both crossing their arms over their chests, wearing deep scowls frowning down upon me, trying to seem intimidating as if they think they may be able to scare me into confessing. Sage left over five hours ago and I am still stuck here.

"I already told you. Up until recently when Brett found me I had no clue where he was or why he disappeared. I'm not lying! I don't know what else you want me to confess," I scowl back at them "Now I don't have any deep dark secrets that are nagging at me to be told, so unless you have something you need to get off your chests I suggest you move on to the next question," I state, gauging their reactions.

"Watch that tongue of your's son," Officer Dylan says, the frown on his face deepening.

"I have nothing left to say," I interject, crossing my arms over my chest.

"We have a witness saying that you helped plan the disappearance with Brett," Sage's dad says.

What the actual fuck?

Was this some sort of practical joke?

Was someone going to jump out from around the corner and scream "You just got punked?"

Because that's what it felt like to me.

A complete and utter practical joke.

Who the fuck told the police that I was involved from the start?

Who possibly wanted me to suffer?

My mind runs a blank and my head begins to thump aggressively. I scrunch my hands into fists, feeling the need to punch the closest thing. There is only one person who would possibly be psychotic enough to phone the fucking police just to see me suffer.

And that person is Aaron.

He took the photo. It must have been him. It had to be. He would have been the only one crazy enough to follow me outside that night. Take a photo, and then keep it.

This is what he meant when he said he would make me pay if I didn't show.

This Is my payment.

"Who?" I ask, wanting to confirm my suspicion.

"Someone who goes by the name of Aaron," Officer Dylan replies, looking from the files his hands to me.

Of course.

"Bring him in," I demand, anger coursing through my veins.

"You know we can't do that," Officer Dylan responds.

I'm beyond livid.

He played dirty, but he seems to be forgetting that I'm not the only one who has secrets that they don't want to be thrown out into the world. And if he thought I was going to play nice once I figured out that he was behind this, he had another thing coming.

Two can play this game.

I have three words running through my head at this current moment in time.




"You want to know where that photo was taken?" I ask letting my eyes meet Sage's dad's square on.

"We already know that Chase. Aaron said that he saw the both of you heading towards the back of some old abandoned warehouse and that he recognised Brett. He decided to follow you both. And that is where the discussion became heated, so he took the photo and left. He said that you looked mad and dangerous," Officer Dylan is quick to respond.

That fucking liar.

If he is trying to take me down, make me pay, I will gladly return the favour.

I am going to make him suffer.

"He lied," I state. "Not about Brett and I talking but about the fact that it was just some old, warehouse. And that it was abandoned, another lie," I continue.

"What are you talking about?" Officer Dylan replies, leaning forward suddenly interested.

"That maybe you should get your facts straight before you come running after me and pointing the finger at me. That maybe you should have checked who you were receiving your information from," I retort.

"Aaron runs that warehouse, he is in charge of one of the largest illegal fighting organisations in the country," I say.

"How would you possibly know that?" Sage's dad pries.

"I worked for him. I became one of his best fighters and he offered for me to go pro. I declined. He wasn't happy, he wanted to show me off as one of his prized possessions, but I wasn't interested," I continue.

"I turned him down and didn't show up to fight when he wanted me to. He said I would regret it, and now I know why," I state anger burning deep within me. "Did you ever stop to question why you suddenly had that call? Why not weeks earlier when Brett first went missing? Didn't you ever stop to think? Why now?" I state keeping my voice level.

Before any of us in the room can move a police officer barges into the room, eyes wide and alarmed. He looks like he's seen a ghost. I take in his rugged expression and lift an eyebrow at him. What's got him so scared?

"Dylan, Mark, you need to come and see this right now!" he says clearly shaken.

"What is it, Matt?" Officer Dylan replies looking slightly confused at the sudden outburst.

"It's Brett Reed. He's here at the police station. He says he is here to clear Chase's name," The police officer stumbles out the words, and as he does my throat closes over.


He was here?

Holy shit, what is going to happen now?


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