Chapter 17 ~ Sage

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  Sage's POV  

  One thing is certain and that is my dad is definitely not Chase's biggest fan.

"Sage, this is two days in a row that that boy has dropped you off. What the hell is going on? How many times do I need to tell you that being around Chase is not safe. He is a suspect for crying out loud!" My dad says angrily, as soon as he closes the front door.

I honestly don't understand. What is with everyone thinking Chase is dangerous? While I haven't spent that much time with him, the hours I have spent with him have never caused me to feel as if I'm in danger.

"Dad it's a school project. It's a big part of our final grade and besides we didn't even get to pick our partners," I say, hoping he believes my little lie.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. I have hardly seen him in the past few weeks and I can tell he is beyond stressed about the case.

I can't sleep at night debating over whether or not I am doing the right thing by keeping Brett's sudden appearance from my dad. The police have fears they are looking for a dead body but have not yet given up on the hopes that he is still alive. I completely see where Chase is coming from though. My dad knows that I have spent time with him recently and it could end badly for Chase. Besides, what if Brett doesn't want to be found?

"Have you both nearly finished the project?" He asks, hoping my answer will be a yes so he can stop seeing Chase drop me off.

"Yes," I smile sweetly. Chase still has to finish the bibliography but he assured me he will complete it before it's due. I'm honestly so surprised that Chase did as much as he did for the project. For someone who is always late to class and never listening he seems to be quite smart.

"Did you..." he stops, debating whether or not to he should say what he wants to say. "You know I hate involving you in my work especially in a case as dramatic as this but did you notice anything suspicious about him?" He asks.

I think back to the moment Chase saw Brett's dad and stormed out of the library. But knowing that Brett's mother and Chase's father had an affair creating tension between the families explains that awkward and strange encounter.

"No, not at all. He's actually quite nice," I say giving him a shrug. He just nods his head. Knowing I am pushing my luck I ask, "So what makes you think Chase has something to do with Brett's case apart from like the fight obviously and Brett's dad suggesting him?"

"Oh don't worry about it Sage. The last thing I want is you worrying about my work when you've got your own school work to worry about," He says giving me a sympathetic look.

His phone rings at that moment and he sighs as he reaches into his pocket to answer it.

"Hello... Yes, sure I'll be there right away... Thank you, Dylan," he ends the call giving me an apologetic look. "Looks like I'll be going back to the station. But there's dinner in the fridge, just put it in the oven and I'll have some when I return." He gets up and gives me a kiss on the cheek as he goes into his study and grabs some papers.

"Don't stay up too late, it's a school night. I promise once this case is over we can go back to having our normal family dinners," he says as he rushes out the door.

Normal family dinners. Dinners haven't been normal since mum left but I get what he means. At moments like these, I wish I had a pet.

"Bye," I saw giving him a wave as he pulls out of the driveway.

I close the door turning back into my lonely house. I make my way back to the kitchen as my stomach grumbles. I look in the fridge and spy lasagne. I take it out and place it in the oven and then put a timer on for 40 minutes.

I sit on the bench as I think about everything that happened today. But mainly just about how Chase had approached me in the cafeteria and the bruise on his face which I promise myself I'll find out about later. Then there was Brett's dad. It was so bizarre that he was just standing there staring at Chase through the window. Maybe I should ask Chase about that again.

I decide that sitting here and just fossicking through my thoughts could take days at least. I get up knowing I have history homework I need to do by tomorrow.

I walk down the corridor, on the way to my bedroom when I stop at the open door of my dad's office. His office door is rarely ever open. When I say rare I'm talking about winning the lottery rare. At our old house I only ever once went into his office and that was to wake him up after he had fallen asleep the previous night.

I peek my head inside. The space is neat and tidy with a large computer sitting on his desk. There is a whiteboard with Brett's name in the centre and lots of information about him surrounding it. I've been told the saying curiosity killed the cat many times but I have no control over my feet as I find them walking over to the whiteboard.

Around Brett's name, there are details of his physical description, his family address, the date he went missing and other facts like his age and birthday. I scan my eyes across the room and nearly freak out when I notice my dad's computer is still on.

Once again I have no control over my feet as I find myself in front of the large screen. A document is already opened. It is a screenshot of someone's email draft. But not just anyone, Brett Reed. I nearly choke when I see who it is addressed to. Chase. I quickly sit down in my father's desk chair and scan my eyes along the short email.

Hey Chase,

Please meet me tonight. You know where.

It's important.


I read over the email again and again. It is dated the day Brett disappeared and the time it was written was 5:32 pm, meaning it was after their fight in the school parking lot. However, it was never sent, just a draft.

Is this why the police are so set on the fact that Chase is playing a role in Brett's disappearance? Does Chase even know about this email? And what does Brett mean by you know where?

My phone beeps with a message making me jump out of my skin. I look at it seeing a text from Sarah.

Hey, can you send me a photo of the history homework? I forgot my book at school

Right, homework. That is what I am supposed to be doing rather than snooping. I quickly get up, making sure I leave everything how I found it.

The only thought racing through my head as I make my way to my room is that Chase needs to know about this email sooner rather than later. 


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