Chapter 10 ~ Chase

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Chase's POV

I sit back, assess and watch, as my thoughts get drowned out by the sounds of people gathering and scrambling to pick their best friends as their partners. Wow, how pathetic, I mean it is only a project. Some look around pleased and relieved with who they end up with, while others sit with frowns and looks of disappointment, glancing at who they had wanted to be paired with and look distastefully at their partners.

I'm happy to work on my own because then I can float through and not have someone obsess over what I'm doing or if I've completed my section. I mean what did they expect? That I was going to do it? They should have known.  Every time they would get their hopes up, thinking that I was going to change my ways for them then I would crush them when I walked in empty handed with a careless attitude. Most get mad and ask the teacher why and how they got stuck with me. I don't care. Never did. Never had.

My hopes of everyone finding their own partners and getting to work alone were short lived when my gaze lands on a certain girl with her head turned towards the window, either deep in thought or like me trying to work alone. I had heard she was smart, so she would probably prefer to work alone than be dragged down by someone who doesn't know what they're doing. I can't help but notice that people begin to watch as I stroll up to Sage's seat. She's the only person who isn't paying attention to my every move.

"Looks like your stuck with me," I say and watch as she sucks in a deep breath and her cheeks blush with embarrassment as she jumps in fright and glares at me. I chuckle to myself and watch as her eyes scan the classroom to see who's watching us but by now everyone is too busy discussing their plans for the project to spare us a second glance.

I watch as she musters up her best attempt at a glare, too bad for her she looks nothing close to intimidating. But I decided to humour her.

"Why so glum?" I say with a grin.

"Don't you want to be my partner?" I say pretending to actually care what she thinks. 

To my surprise she looks up at me with a new flame of determination in her eyes, "No, not particularly." 

I slide into a nearby seat unable to stop the laugh that rumbles out of my chest. 

"So what do you know about osmosis?" she asks. I grab her pencil and start flicking it around.

"Never heard of it," I say tuning out. 

"My name's Sage," she says with determination as she tries to steal her pencil out of my hand. 

"Oh, so we are doing formal introductions? Well I doubt I need to introduce myself to you, you've probably already heard all about me from the lifeless gossipers in this town," I say unable to hide the bite to my tone. I watch as her cheeks flush as she looks down regathering her thoughts and starts to write.

She glances at the clock and turns back to me. Is she dying to get rid of me that quickly?

"Since the bell is about to go are you free after school to plan and catch up on what we want to do?"

Maybe she doesn't want to get rid of me, she'd be the only person wanting to spend any time with Chase Rivers, at the moment, with everything going on.

My mind wanders back to the phone call I received earlier.

"No," I tell her bluntly. Hoping that she isn't deterred and might ask another time.

"Why?" she pries curiously. "What have you got to do that's so important?"

"None of your business," I tell her, watching as the curiosity is killed with disappointment. Good. Answers lead to more questions and I was not in the mood to sit here and play buddies with Sage just yet.

I get up and make my way towards the door.

"Chase come back and continue working the bell hasn't gone yet" the teacher's scolding voice bellows as I walk towards the door. I turn back and smirk at her as I wait. The sound of the bell ringing makes the teacher give me a pointed look and a huff as she turns her back to me. My smirk widens as I stroll out of the door towards the parking lot.

School's over and I need to be prepared for my fight that's lined up for tonight and every other night this week. Aaron was testing my limits. Trying to see whether I would stick it out and be a good investment of his time. I make my way towards the gym, jump out of the car and make my way towards the building.

I  embrace the smell of sweat and dried blood. It has already started to become familiar again. My eyes lock onto a pair of harsh grey ones, that's warm hue disappeared a long time ago. His mouth raises into a smile that has no warmth in it, and he places his drink on a nearby table as he pushes past people making his way towards where I'm standing.

"Chase," he says acknowledging me.

"Aaron" I nod my head in his direction.

"I'm expecting a good fight tonight, no funny business, no playing," I nod as if I'm actually listening to what he's telling me. My mind is already in the ring pre-empting every move of tonight's fight. Playing out the different possibilities.

The siren for the fight to begin roars and rocks the cheap walls of the gym. This is a sound I am familiar with.

Stepping into the ring, I assess the person in front of me. He's big and his eyes are hungry and unforgiving, ready for the kill. The smell of alcohol flows off him in waves. His stance is eager and unbalanced. He's sloppy and messy, just by his posture I can tell he has no technique. If there was one thing that was drilled into me since I was young, it was that no matter what's happening, keep a stoic face and never show any signs of a weakness.

The small crowd gather around and cheer, eager and ready for the fight to be underway. Some are busy still placing their bets trying to pick a winner at the last second. I zone out and focus. As the whistle sounds throughout the room, the jeering from the sides increases to a deafening pitch that makes my head begin to spin. The floor vibrates from the commotion and I lock eyes onto my opponent. His lips curl up into a snarl and I smirk in reply. Bring it on.

He advances towards me and forms a mediocre fist and sends it flying towards my face. I block it and send a punch to his stomach and then again to his cheek and watch as he falls to the floor grunting out in pain. Too easy.

The ump comes and yanks my hand up into the air announcing me the winner. Glancing at the crowd all I see is a bunch of grey meaningless faces, some elated with their bet and others disappointed. They weren't here for anything more than to place their bets and make a quick buck.

 People chant my name and give me a pat on the back, as though we're friends like they know me, but to me, they are a means to an end. I stroll towards Aaron and watch as he gives me a wicked grin. He's pleased. Pleased that I won but most importantly pleased that I won for his reputation of training the best fighters.

"You were good out there tonight Chase, keep your phone on you, you'll hear from me about your upcoming fights."

I nod and hold my hand out waiting for the money. He slips his hand into his pocket and produces a crumpled envelope. I grasp it in my hands and nod in his direction.  Before anything more can be said I turn and walk out without a second glance. I got what I came here for, money.


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