Chapter 1

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I was sitting on the front porch, it was around eight o'clock at night during the winter, although it was really dark so it could have been later then that. My mother and father were inside arguing. Ever since mom got pregnant again they've been arguing about how moody she is. I wanted my friends to play with me but they all went to (your/best friends/name)'s house for a Christmas party, i wasn't invited. Christmas is so stupid.

"Hey, you! What are you doing all by yourself?" I looked up to see a kid, he was tall. But he looked to be eight or nine like me. His cheeks looked like they were dusted with glitter, he had a hat that covered his ears on, a funny looking sweater, and black hair that had a few braids. He's kinda cute.

"Well, my mom is pregnant with my baby brother so she doesn't have time for me anymore. And my dad is always busy at work. Right now their inside arguing. So I'm by myself." I said. He looked at me and then at then untouched snow in my yard.

"Well, ya' know, you and I could play. And you could always ask Santa for your baby brother to come early, then you and your brother could play!" He said. He had a funny accent. He sounded like he was from Brooklyn or New Jersey. I laughed and smiled.

"Yeah that's true," I stood up and smiled.

"I'm (y/n), whats yours?" I asked. He smiled.

"Bernard, but you can call me whatever you want." I laughed.

"Okay B." He smiled at the nickname.

"Wanna be friends? I dont think i have any anymore." I said. He smiled and hugged me.

"Best friends!" Then we made snow angels, a snow man, we built an igloo, and we had a snow ball fight. And we took turns pulling each other around in my sleighed. We hung out all of December. I had given himba friendship bracelet on Christmas Eve. And then the day of Christmas, he was gone. I never heard from him again. I waited for a long time to hear from him, a call, a letter, but I got nothing. I never even saw him at school. My birthday wish was to see Bernard again. On Valentine's day, I wrote him a letter. But I didn't know his address so I never mailed it, I kept it in a box with the date written on it like the rest of the letters I wrote him that were in the box. On my tenth birthday, I wished for Bernard to show up. On Easter, i saved him a chocolate bunny. After a month i ate it. I felt guilty but I didn't wanna waste good chocolate. When Charlie was born, I was amazed by him. He was so cute! I wanted to show him to Bernard. I looked for him in school like I did every day, I looked around my whole town for him. He never showed. By the time Christmas rolled around again, I was bitter. I hated the holiday. Because it was on this very holiday that my best friend went missing with out a trace.

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