Bernard!? It can't be. Can it? He hadnt seemed to notice me, his eyes were fixiated on my father. Charlie got in on our fathers conversation with Bernard- or Bernards look alike- I wasnt paying attention though. I was fully focused on the boy who looked like my childhood best friend. He smells like peppermint and cocoa like Bernard used to, I can smell it even from ten feet away. He sounds like him, too. He finally looked at me, a breif look of shock crossed face. It is him! Why else would he be shocked to see me? He wasnt shocked by Chars or dad. I went to speak but Bernard shook his head and looked at my dad.
"Judy will take you to your room. And remember, we'll be sending you the list in November. Check. It. Twice." He said.
"What about my son and daughter?" Dad asked. Bernard glanced at me then back at my dad.
"I'll be taking them to their rooms. And judy will come in with cocoa and a late night snack for each of you." Bernard started walking away. I picked Charlie up and followed, glancing at dad as I did so.
Bernard stopped and gave Charlie a snowglobe, it was supposedly magic. I subconssiously smiled at the scene. He's so good with kids. Bernard stood up and I went back to my original shocked expression. He looked at me while stammering.
"Well, this. This is his room." He said. I nodded and picked Charlie up as Bernard opened the door for me to walk in. I layed Charlie in his bed and kissed his forehead as his already heavy eyes closed. When I stood up I pulled the blanket over him and turned off the light. I looked at Bernard. "It is you isn't, B." I said. He looked at me shocked. "I can't believe you remember me." He said. He pulled me out of Charlies room and brought me to mine. When he closed the door and turned to look at me I threw my arms around him and cried into his shoulder. He went to hug me comfortingly but I pounded on his chest in anger.
"You left! You left me with no one! You didn't even say goodbye. We we're supposed to be best. Friends. Bernard. Best. Friends." I screamed. Sinking to the ground, he pulled me into his chest.
"I'm sorry. (Y/n) I'm so sorry. And this really is painful for me too. I never wanted to leave you by yourself. I had to comeback. The santa before your dad didnt understand kids, didnt understand their fragile feelings. (Y/n) I'm so sorry please forgive me." Warm drops of something wet fell onto my face. He's crying. I nuzzled into him.
"I wrote you letters every day from the day you left to four years later. For the past three years I've silently missed you. Every birthday wish was wasted in the hopes of you showing up. Every christmas I asked for you to visit. I even made you valentines every year until I was thirteen." I said. He pulled away from me and made me look at him. "You-You missed me that much?" I looked down. "I missed you so much that I was starting to hate Christmas because of it." I said in almost a whisper. He gasped and hugged me tighter while sobbing into my hair. I cried into his chest.
"I wanna s-stay here with y-you!" I cried. He sighed and brought me to my bed. Oh wow, he did that easily.
"You can't. Not yet anyway. When your dad comes back in December, maybe you can, if he lets you. But tomorrow when you wake up you'll be in bed at your house." He said. "What if I don't go to sleep?" I said. My eyes were getting heavy but I forced them to stay open. He smiled sadly.
"You will eventually." He layed next to me.
"Ill leave you a special gift." He said as my eyes closed.
Bernard X Reader
FanfictionWe've all at some point watched the Santa Clause movies that starred Tim Allen, right? And who could forget the adorable head elf, Bernard, played by David Krumholtz. Enjoy my lovelies!