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Age 15
"Soda for the last time, Sandy is a slut!" Bella shouted as their argument progressed. Soda had gotten back together with Sandy for the 3rd time now. Even though the first 2 times she cheated on him. Bella hated having to comfort Soda after every breakup with her. "Bella you don't know what your talking about! Hell, you don't even have a boyfriend and probably NEVER WILL!" Soda screamed in her face. Bella didn't care though. "You know what Soda? Fine, but when Sandy breaks your heart for the 3rd time IN A ROW don't you DARE come crying to me!" Bella turned around to walk off but Soda grabbed her wrist. He swung her around where they were face to face. "You don't get to talk about Sandy! You don't know her! You are just jealous that she has me and you don't!" "Wow soda, are you really so desperate that you have to come up with reasons as to why I don't like her? Because that is pathetic. Talk to me when you have dumped that hoe, or in your case, she two-times you for the 3rd time." And with that Bella walks off.

It has been about 6 weeks since what happened with Tommy. She hasn't seen him since. She was thankful. Bella continued to work in the dingo and have Dallas babysit, occasionally Johnny. She is still staying at the Curtis house. But this particular morning was different. Bella shoots out of bed and runs to the bathroom where she proceeds to vomit. Bella notices that she gained a few ounces but she didn't really pay any attention. Bella rinses out her mouth and walks into the kitchen. Darry is standing there cooking pancakes and eggs. "Hey Darry, can I borrow 5 bucks?" "Of course Bella, you know where my wallet is right?" "Yeah, thanks Dar!" Bella pulls the 5 dollar bill out of Darry's wallet and used his truck to run down to the drug store. She ran in and grabbed 2 pregnancy tests, just to be sure. She walked up to the clerk and placed them on the counter. "$3.50 ma'm" Bella quickly pays and leaves in no time. When she arrived home she put the change from the store in Darry's wallet and went straight to the bathroom. She took the first test and then waited the required 2 minutes for the results.


Bella quickly takes out the second package and takes the test.


Bella began to feel stinging in the corners of her eyes. She was pregnant, by rape. She already had a child. Now TWO? Bella began to cry silently before gathering herself up and preparing herself to tell the gang. They were all coming over tonight for a meeting Darry called anyway. She figured she would say something then.

Bella noticed that she was shaking. She was incredibly nervous. She didn't know how the gang would react. If she had to, she would move back to California with Marie. Marie's dad loved Bella, she knew she had somewhere to go. But she loved Tulsa, and she hoped that she didn't have to. Everyone was finished with dinner and gathered into the living room. "Hey, uh, guys, i have something to say..." Bella spoke as she stood up. "Ok, Bella what do you have to say?" Darry asks. "Well, as you all know uh, Tommy and I broke up. But uh, he left one thing behind... I'm pregnant." Bella speeds softly as she sits down. Soda quickly stood up and grabbed Bella's wrist and pulled her into his bedroom. "BELLA! What the fuck!?! We barely have money to cover Rachel and now your about to pop out another one?!" "Soda..." Bella tried to be nice but Soda was pushing it. "No Bella, you need to learn self control! This doesn't just affect your life, it affects the ENTIRE gang!" "GODDAMN IT SODA, I DIDNT WANT THIS! IT WAS FUCKING RAPE!" Bella screamed loud enough for the next house over to hear. Bella's head hangs low and she runs out and into the guest room. She closes the door and locks it. As Bella gets lost in thought she heard a knock on the door...

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