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Age 15
Bella was at her best friend Soda's house. She walked into the restroom and decided to check on her weight. Bella wasn't a girl who was constantly concerned with what she ate but she did like being slim. Bella stepped onto the scale and waited for her weight to pop up... 170. Bella stopped for a second. She slowly lifted her shirt to examine the fat on her stomach. "I wish I could cut it all off" she whispered to herself. Little did she know that her best friend was standing behind her listening. "Bella.." She quickly turned around to see who was there. Once she saw it was Soda she relaxed but only a little. She lowered her head and started feeling stinging in the corners of her eyes. Soda slowly lifted her chin making a few tears stream down her face. "Bella, you are beautiful. Your perfect." These words felt even more meaningful coming from Soda. She nodded her head and gave Soda a hug. Her and Soda walked out into the living room to continue watching Micky Mouse.

Bella was headed to Tommy's house for their 4th date. Tommy was taking her to a cute little cafe she and her mother would go to. She arrived in about an hour and stepped out of her car. Dallas had Rachel that night. Bella stepped out of her car when she arrived to the home. She walked up the steps and knocked on the door. Tommy's mother opened the door. Excited to see Bella, as always, she gave her a hug. "Hey Darlin'" Tommy said as he walked down the stairs. "Hey Honey" Bella spoke as she walked up to him. He gave her a quick peck on the lips and they headed off. Tommy insisted on Bella riding in his car. She agreed like normal and they left for the cafe. When they arrived Tommy politely opened the door for Bella as she stepped out of the car. They walked in and took their seat. The waitress came and gave them their menus and they were set. Bella skimmed over the menu already knowing what she wanted. She was going to order what she did when she was smaller. A cheeseburger and fries with a Pepsi. Her and her mother used to split everything but with her being a grown woman now she was sure she could finish everything herself. Once she was ready to order she put her menu down and the night began. "So Tommy, have you ever been to this place before?" Bella said. "Well actually no, I just remember you saying that you loved it as a child." This earning a small smile from Bella. "So what are you ordering?" Bella asked. "Um I was going to get a small order of fries and a coke." "That sounds good, I was going to get a cheeseburger, fries, and a Pepsi." "Wow, don't you think that's a little much? I mean are you gonna finish all that, plus that's just belly fat you don't need." This remark shocked Bella. She felt small pricks in the corners of her eyes. Recalling the memory of her and Soda in his restroom. The waitress finally came and instead of what she wanted she just ordered a Pepsi. She decided to shake off what he said, it probably just came out wrong, maybe it sounded better in his head. They continued talking until they were both finished. It didn't take Bella long because all she had was a Pepsi. The night quickly ended. They paid and headed to car. "So uh... The gang. I don't really like them, could you not be around them as much?" "Excuse me, Tommy?" "You heard me." "Well, the gang is my family, they are all to young or old for me so you can get over yourself. I am not leaving my family." Just then they were pulling into Tommy's home. When the car was parked they both got out. "I'm not sure who you think you are Bella but you don't get to speak to the that way." Bella turned around to walk away but Tommy raised his hand a punched her back. That would leave a bruise on the morning. Bella then ran to her car starting it and leaving. She decided that she would continue to see him. It was probably just a stressful day for him. Maybe he would apologize the next day. She thought about this until she saw herself arrive in front of the Curtis house.

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