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I just woke up.

Jack is behind me with our legs intertwined and his arm around my waist, his head resting on his other arm.

I try to get up but I can't move.

Jacks arm won't let me go. Ugh.

"Nice try princess." jack mumbles in his sexy as shit morning voice. another turn on.

I just sigh.

Jack grabs my waist tighter and starts trailing kisses down the back of my neck,

Making these really sexy mumbling noises.

His other hand quickly reaches down and grabs my ass. he smiles against my neck as I try to jolt away from him.

"I think we should try taking this off..." he slips one hand under the side of my bandeau and I yell,

"Stop! JACK!" I whimper.

"Shutup!" jack whisper yells.

"Get your dirty ass hands off of me!'

So he puts his hand over my mouth. I lick his hand and he takes it away from my mouth.

I hear pounding footsteps run to the door and there are 2 boys.. Cam in his boxers and Matt in a tank top and shorts.

Jack lets go of me and sighs as his muscular form lets go of me and flips over, grabbing a pillow on the other side of the bed and putting his face in it.

I clear my throat and look at them as I lift my hand up for them to see our zap-strapped wrists.

"Your kidding me, right? that wasn't even a bad punishment. but I guess it's over." Matt chuckled.

"Well how would you know? you did it too?" I sarcastically smile at Matt.

He says "ha ha." after making a stupid face.

Cam says "here." And smacks jack on the back of the head before cutting my wrist free with a pocket knife.

I'm really tired from yesterday and my feet are sore but I'm hungry.

"Cam?" I say before they walk out.

"Ya?" he answers.

"Can you carry me to the kitchen?" I plead with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, babe." Cam winks and walks over to me.He squats so I can jump on his back.

And I'm only wearing my bandeau...

Who cares. Plan a: bring sexy back.

"Damn gurl, you coulda warned me before anyone started taking clothes off." he snickers

"It was jack..." I sigh.

"No fair!' cam pouts and I rest my head on his shoulder as he carries me through the house.

" So when did you guys get so close?" cam raises his eyebrows and says it in a stupid voice.

"We're not close, he stalked me and stared at me in the shower and I didn't know he was there until he said something to me." I flatlined.

"Man, if I ever get the chance to stare at you in the shower..." he purrs and squeezes my thighs.

I blush and playfully smack him on the back of the head.

"Stop it you perv!" I laugh.

"Rejection hurts!" he fake sniffles and dramatically puts a hand over his heart.

It just hit me that cam is only wearing boxers and I'm wearing my bandeau...they're gonna think we did it.

"The princess has arrived!" cam yells as we run into the kitchen/ man cave room where everybody hangs out.

almost everyone is there, except jack of course.

"Shit, so this is her," says a guy with brown hair and brown eyes. Double damn.

"Ya, that's definitely her." says a tall guy, with a nose ring, brown eyes, and light brown hair.

"This is Aaron and kian." Shawn says.

"Hi," I say awkwardly. I'm still on cams back but he does this gay little leprechaun dance then deposits me on the couch next to carter.

"Great hiding place you got there..." I say to carter sarcastically.

"At least I tried to help you!" carter yells. He crosses his arms and lets out a deep breath.

It's really quiet in the room but I'm so angry at carter!

Why would he let that happen to me?

I thought he was the nice one.

"She's so hot when she's angry." sam groans.

"Damn straight." says Taylor, nodding.

"Damn straight like your dick right now!" I yell back at him.

"Would you like to check how straight it is because we can go somewhere-"

"Gross. no. I don't want your tiny dick." I mutter.

Guys are so perverted. they're just horny freaks.

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