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Niall walked me back to my apartment right after we got out of the Café. He seemed kind of annoyed because of the way I've been acting around him, but I really don't care. I know I'm not being a good friend but I can't seem to care about anything else right now rather than Harry.

Since I got to my apartment I've been laying down on my couch watching TV and finishing some last minute homework that I have to turn in tomorrow. I sit there for hours until I decide to put down my laptop and turn off the television.

I lay down on the couch just staring out into space trying to relax and keeping my thoughts in peace. I feel my mind is playing some sort of game because whenever I loosen my thoughts, vivid green eyes flash on my head.

I'm not a firm believer on love at first sight nor do I think it actually exists but at this very instant I have to admit that I feel an enormous inclination towards Harry since the first time I ever saw him.

Inclination, not love.

My eyes are starting to feel heavy and my ears block all the city traffic noise. I can feel myself drifting into sleep not bothering getting up and going to my bed. I just lay there without moving a single part of my body just thinking in something in particular.



A loud beeping sound fills my ears and makes me jump out of my sleep. I slowly blink my heavy eyelids and it takes me a long time to process the fact that I slept on my couch and not on my bed.

The sound of my alarm keeps on ringing making me a bit irritated. I rapidly get up from the couch and go directly to my bedroom to turn the stupid alarm off.

Once it's off I sit on my untouched bed for a couple of minutes, still kind of asleep until I decide to take a shower.

I force myself into the bathroom striping my clothes off from my cold body.

As soon as I step into the warm shower, I can feel the hot stream of water relax my tensed muscles. I stand there for a long time without doing anything letting my body enjoy the relaxing feeling.

I soon feel myself fully awake and I remember that on Mondays my first class is a bit earlier than the others during the week. I quickly wash my hair and body and step out of the shower wrapping a white towel around me.

I walk to my closet and pick up a pair of denim skinny jeans and a loose fitted long sleeve white t-shirt. I slip on some cozy warm socks and put my brown combat boots on. I walk over to the restroom and let my hair fall into its natural state. I apply one layer of foundation along with a couple of coats of mascara and hurry out of my bathroom.

I go over to my coffee table where my laptop and camera are, and I place both of them into their cases. I place them inside my enormous bag and hang it over my shoulder. I run out the door, locking it after me walking over to the elevator.

The elevator ride seems to be eternal and my patience is about to disappear.

Right after the doors open I run to the exit of the building and go straight to my black Jeep. The only times I use my car is when I go to school or whenever Niall is craving to have an adventurous time that involves us exploring the city.

I unlock the doors and climb in and without hesitating I turn the car on and pull out of the parking lot. I glance at the clock and i panic because I only have about ten minutes to make it on time to my Urban Studies class. I really don't enjoy that class because all we do is research and analyze about urban problems and try to find a "creative" solution through the magic of art.

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