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-- Elementary school, age 6 --   (edited !! ) 

     ' soulmates. they say that certain people are drawn to each other because their atoms were near each other when the universe was created and over time the same atoms keep coming back together. They also say that the only way that you can contact them is through your skin. When a person writes or draws on their skin it will show up on their soulmates skin as well, but when the person gets injured in any way their soulmate will get the same markings. No it will not physically harm their soulmate but it will show up on their skin as well...'

     As I sit and listen to my teacher explain how this whole 'soulmate' thing works, my mind drifts off to other places. Like many, I love to think of how my soulmate will look like, let alone their personality. 

     I look around at the place I call my class room. There are so many drawings up on the wall, with weird posters. There's a book shelf in the corner for reading time along with bean bags. I then look up at the ceiling looking at all the beautiful artwork painted upon there.

      My thoughts are interrupted by a load sound. A ringing sound, 'The bell.' I think as I watch kids flood out the door into the elementary school halls. It always was so crowded around this time. The walls in the hallway were so plan. Just white with a gray bottom half. 

     I walk out into the parking lot with many different types of cars aligned along the edge of the sidewalk. I look onto the sea of multi-colour cars and fine my moms.  

     I open the door to the familiar black truck with my mom at the drivers seat, singing along to the random song playing on the radio. She had beautiful long, curly, light brown hair with blonde stands. She was wearing a black tank top with a jacket covering her shoulders with just plan blue jeans. Her hair was down and she had light make up on. I giggle, pushing my mom trying to get her attention. 

     "Mommmm." I say trying to get her attention again. Her, obviously playing, ignores me. "MOMMMMM", I slightly scream, laughing as she playfully covers her ears in pain. She joins me in my ball of laughter, now starting the car, saying, 

     "Ah hello sweetie! How was my handsome child's first day of school?" I sit in the passengers side of the car giggling telling her all about soulmates and what I've learned. She smiles at me, saying how proud of me she is for learning so much today. 

     I then look down at her arm seeing notes and lists appear on her arm. "Looks like daddy forgot something today." My mother giggled and said "Yep! he tends to do that a lot." I smile as I watch each word form onto her skin. 

     Mommy and daddy are happy with each other, they fight sometimes but they always get back together. No matter how bad or rough the fight was, they are always by each others side. Always their to help, always their to support them, to keep each other going. Its beautiful. As time passes, I look out the window thinking about what I did learn and what my teacher told me today.

     " But their are only three rules to follow along with this. Rule number 1, you may not ask your soulmate what their name is. Rule number 2, you may not try and contact your soulmate until you are 18. And rule number 3, you may not meet your soulmate until 18, Now remember we have these certain rules for a reason so please follow them and be safe! "

     ' Some stupid rules...' I think to myself as I watch the trees pass by, different things each time I blink. Sometimes a field of cows or buffalo, or sometimes a forest with beautiful plants and flowers to be seen. Sometimes I see red flowers, the next yellow.

      So many beautiful things to see in the world and we take it for granted. I just hope my soulmate wants to explore the world just as much as I do. what if they are from another country? That would be amazing, just to let them talk about everything they know. Telling me how their life is in another country, different people, different foods, different cultures.

      So many things to ask them, so many more things to learn. I sit and day dream about how life will be with them, finally knowing who they are. When I think of my soulmate I don't put a face on them. I don't want to expect what they look like or how they act. 

     I want to get to know them for who they are. Gay relationships are not judged in this world. It's not their fault who their soulmate is or isn't. Mae or female no one knows. Yes, I am only 6, and yet I have so much on my mind, as does everyone at my age does.


     As my mom pulls into the driveway I see my dads car parked in the same place it always is in. A little blue car, with a gray tint to it. I run inside, backpack slung onto my shoulder. I open the door to my white home, or what I like to call, my kingdom.

      I am greeted by the beautiful paintings on the white walls, I drop my bag onto the floor, in search of my father. I walk into the living room, with a big long gray couch with a TV set up on the wall, and a coffee table in the middle f the room. I walk further into the kitchen, I walk over to the island in the middle of the kitchen with notebooks stacked on top of one another. I then walk into the dining room with only the table and chairs to see. With my dad no where in sight I run to his painting room, or what he likes to call his 'creative room'. 

     I walk into the very familiar yellow room with paint splashes everywhere. "Daddy!" I say as I see the tall figure standing in front of a canvass. "Ah there you are handsome!" My dad says as he turns around, picking me up in the process. I giggle as he does so, "So how was my handsome prince's day today?" He asks curious to know.

      I tell him all what I've learned and how it went. "Ah, that's awesome prince! I'm so glad you learned so much!" My dad was an artist. He had amazing skills and I just adore every single piece of work he has done. He can take one idea and make it extraordinary. It's amazing.

       As for my mom, she's a cook! She makes amazing meals and not only do they look absolutely amazing they taste even better! Everyone says I take after my dad. He does more cartoon stuff, where as I draw more realistic things than cartoons. But I mean close enough right? No wonder the child they made is so creative and originative.


     I slide into my bed, ready to be let into the world of dreams. My mom and dad come into my room to kiss me good night and to turn my lights off. As I watch the two figures walk out of my room closing the door behind them.

      I sit up looking at my arms and other parts of my body to see if their are any new marks on me. 'None today.' I think in my head as I re-look over my skin.

      I love looking at the marks I get, wondering what happened and wanting so eagerly to know the story behind them. I go over and sit at my window thinking, where in the world could they be. I wonder this ever night just hoping for each day to come and go faster and faster, just to get to the day where I can finally know their name. 

     this world, their was no such thing as divorce or breakups. Everyone is in search of their soulmate and who they are. What they look like? What colour hair do they have? What do they like? What do they hate? What do they plan on doing with their life? What are they afraid of? Everyone just wants to know and is tired of waiting. Well at least I am, I'm just ready to meet the person I'm suppose to be with.

      But for now ill take my time. As I lay back down into my bed, I slowly start to fall into slumber, into the wonderful world of dreams.

---edited !!--

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