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Elementary, middle of the year, age 7 —

     As my mom says with a sigh, "What am I gonna do with you crazy child?" I look over at her smiling but then frowning once again apologizing, "I'm sorry, I was only curious, I didn't think it would get me into that much trouble. Besides, the teacher should have told me to be quite or said something nicer instead of being so rude about it."

      " Heh, that is true, but you should have kept your mouth shut silly. You're not supposed to question the rules. They were made for a reason, and we are supposed to follow them no questions asked, understand?" My Mom says, looking at me from time to time still focusing one the road. 

     "Yes mam." I say in defeat.

      I got sent home early for talking back at the teacher. I mean seriously, all she had to do was act nicer and maybe I wouldn't have talked back.

     I looked back out the window thinking to my self, while my mom drives me home. Stupid rules. Stupid government. This is all so stupid. Why do we have to wait? '3 simple rules' Yeah right. I sigh, watching each tree and open plains fly by and we pass them.

     My mom pulls into the drive way, unlocking the door so I can get out. Grabbing my things and hopping out. My mom stops me by rolling down the window saying, "Your father is still inside okay? So be very quiet don't scare him or mess up his work. You know how he gets."

      I nod stepping in front of the car, waving as my mom backs out and drives away.

      Watching her leave, I then turn around heading for my front door. I punch in the code for the lock, once I hear the the click I turn the knob entering my home. My dad peaks around the corner as I put my stuff down. 

     "Oh hey sweetie, you're home early." He says walking over toward me. He sets a towel on the edge of the couch. It was colourful and dirty.

      He must have been painting with it earlier. He tends not to care about what he wears or how his clothes look. I mean most of the stuff he does where has paint on it. 

      "Yeah, kinda got in trouble for back talking a teacher." I say, titling my head down. My dad chuckles saying, "You're just like your grandfather, you know that right?" 

     He looks down at me as I nod. "Yeah, yeah i know. Just as curious and, 'rebellious'." i say putting finger quotations around the word rebellious. 

     I wouldn't call me that. i don't think i break the rules often, i mean yeah, i get sent home sometimes, but that's only because of my mean teacher. 

     Mrs. Parker can be such an asshole. i ask a lot of questions and she always gives me rude or uncalled for answer or remarks. She is really tall and has long dark brown hair that goes to her stomach. She always wears some stupid flowery dress and awful looking and annoying high heels. She wears them all the time and the stupid clicking sound gives me a headache every time she walks. 

     My dad chuckles  and rubs my head. "Well i'm going to head back to my creative room. Get you something to eat and you can hand in the living room or your room." He says with a kiss on my head.    

     I walk into the kitchen to get a snack, since i haven't have lunch yet. i walking to the huge rectangle with two doors that lead to the wonderful thing that we call food. I look around and try to fine something that i want. 

     Since my mom was a chef, we always had food. i shut the fridge and go to the cabinets to get a bowl. I decide to get cereal since its simply and good and just easy to make.  I then go the pantry  and get out a box of cereal. I start to pour it into the bowl, I then look over to see a pen. 'I mean what harm can come out off it right?' i think to my self as i pick up the permanent pen. I began writing on my wrist.

     'Hey, uh, so Hi?'

     'what if they don't respond?'

     'What if they think that i'm a bad person?' 

    'What if they think i'm crazy or stupid?'

     Thoughts like this began to pop up into my head. I wasn't really afraid of gong to jail. I mean i'm just a harmless kinder-gardener right? I start to calm down more as i start to continue fixing my bowl of cereal. 

     Once done i decide to go to my room bringing the pen along.  I set the bowl down hoping into my bed. I pull down my sleeve looking at my writs to see if they have replied. 


     I then look at the clock to see what time it was. '13:43' (AN: yes im using military time) Ever clock in our house was set to military time. No idea why, i guess my parents just like to be different. 


     I close my laptop laying back down on my bed. I look back over at my clock. '18:53'. Its almost been 5 hours since i wrote on my arm. I decided to look again. i roll down my sleeve to see purple ink on my skin with my writing. 

     I hear my name being called for dinner, i think to my self and decide to wait and check for their answer tomorrow. 

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