Part 13

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Three days later i'm sitting on my bed in the worst depressed mood ever staring at my signature on these abortion papers. I can't believe i got rid of my baby. Something i wanted gone in a blink of an eye i truly regret it i also regret letting Michael's words get to me. And speaking of Michael i have to go back to work today and put up with him and the love of his life i don't think my nerves and my mood is going to get me threw day. I sighed and folded up the papers and threw them in my purse and got off the bed and left so i can get to Neverland cook and leave. I didn't bother to say bye to Chelsee because one she is working on her lines for her movie and two i didn't tell her about anything that happened the last few days i haven't even talked to my parents on the phone i've been in my own little bubble of depression. I got into my rental and drove to Neverland when i got there it was like five different cars parked in the driveway i guess they are having company. I went inside and went straight into the kitchen and saw a note attached to the stove.

*Samanth, Today we're having guest and since we missed breakfast i'm going to need you stay until after please and thank you


I rolled my eyes ate the note. Great just great i have to stay longer then what i intended on staying. On the back of the paper was a list of foods they wanted. I started making what was on the list and few minutes in i had the feeling of someone watching me i looked up from cutting up garlic to see Michael standing in the doorway with his arm folded looking at me. I rolled my eyes and went back to doing what i was doing. I can't bare to look at him because all i can see is the man that strung me along made me love him and me pregnant and crushed my heart. Gosh i wish i would have told him about the baby the guilt is killing me i don't know how i could do this a little human. Tears filled my eyes and i quickly wiped them away before they were noticeable. I looked up again and Michael wasn't there anymore. I sighed and finished cooking.

It took me all of three hours to finish cooking. I sat down at the table and grabbed my purse and got those abortion papers out and just stared at them. At this moment i lost it and tears just poured out my face. I slapped my forehead and whispered 'Why did i do that to i wanted you more then anything in life' i wiped my face trying to stop crying it i couldn't stop crying. My phone started ringing and i sat the papers face down on the table and grabbed my phone seeing that it was my mom. I slowly answered "Hello?"

"Hello Sammy baby"

"Hi mommy whats up"

"I was just calling to see if you were okay your dad has been worried because you hadn't called"

I sniffled cause i still had tears falling down my face and now i feel extra bad for making my parents worried "I'm sorry mom"

"Is everything okay baby you don't sound like yourself you know you can talk to me about anything"

I sighed. I know i can talk to her about anything but if i tell her this she's gonna be so mad at me. "You're going to be disappointed if i tell you"

"Sammy you're supposed to disappoint me you're my daughter and as your disappointed mother i'm going to help you fix it no matter"

I began crying more "But you can't help me fix it nobody can i'm a monster!" i nearly screamed into the phone"

"Calm down baby just tell me what happen"

"I killed my baby thats what happen mom i slept with a married man and got pregnant and never told him and then he told me he didn't love me and i let it get to me and i got an abortion and i can't take it back i wish i could but i can't i feel like my joy has gotten ripped away from me i really wanted my baby"

My mom stayed quiet for a minute then cleared her throat "You got pregnant by the man that came to the hotel room that night?"

"No mommy Michael"

She let out a small gasped "Samantha i thought i taught you better then that nothing ever comes good when you hop into a bed with a married man"

I wiped my face "I see that now and i'm so so sorry"

"I know you are baby and come home for a while to clear your after your dad yells at you the phone was on speaker he wanted to hear your voice"

I scoffed a little" Okay mom i think i'm going to catch the next flight to Alabama"

"We can't wait to see you"

After a few more minutes i got of the phone with my mom and grabbed my papers off the table and stuffed them in my purse. I heard someone walk into the kitchen i looked up and it was Tatiana. She sat across from me at the table "Samantha i need to talk to you"

Ugh what could she possibly want to talk about "Okay"

She leaned on the table "I know you and my husband have been messing around and i know Michael ended things and i just wanted to tell you thank you for laying off it means alot i don't want to bring a baby into this world when their father is off messing around"

Did she just say she was pregnant in so many words. I smirked because i know this bitch is sooo full if shit she makes the toilet jealous "First congrats i guess and second we weren't messing around just because i'm a huge fan doesn't mean i want your fucking husband and to be real he only told you we were messing around so you could hear what you wanted to hear i don't have time for you or him and any of ya'll petty games I quit!"

I stood up grabbing my stuff and she looked at me with worry in her eyes "You can't quit please Michael is gonna be so pissed please don't go"

I laughed "That sounds like a personal"

With that i walked out and left her standing there. I went straight to the airport and to my parents house and boa did my dad scream he was only mad about the abortion thing he told blankly told me if Michael came here and found out he'd let him beat the holy hell out of me lets just pray that doesn't happen.....

Thanks For Reading :)

Next part coming soon

P.s: Sorry it's short i had to make it short so the next part will be the way i want it to be :)

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