Chapter 5

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✂️✂️Ashton's POV✂️✂️

After Cassadee left the room I started to hear a little bit of talking downstairs. Thinking that maybe Ally had done something again.

Not even right after she left, I wanted her to come back. She was truly breathtaking.

The way her beautiful auburn hair would fall perfectly in front of her baby blue eyes. How dimples would appear on her face even when she made the slightest smirk. The way she would look down at the floor and play with her hands when she is embarrassed. She was beautiful.

As I start to drift off into a light sleep thinking about Cassadee, I hear footsteps coming to the door. I pop my head up in hopes of it being Cassadee. But then I realize it's more than one person.

"Ah mate! You look terrible!", Calum says laughing as he opens the door more to let the other boys in.

They all file in, smiling to Calum's comment. "And you don't?!", I say as my voice cracks with sarcasm and I let out a small laugh.

"Well I like to think I'm pretty sexy!", Calum says putting one hand on his hip and acting as if he were flipping his hair as a girl. I couldn't help but to smile.

"How you feeling mate?", Luke says as he sits in the chair across the room. "I feel like I've made no progress in getting better!", I say throwing my hands up in frustration.

"Ashton, it's been a week and a half. I think you need to visit a doctor.", Michael says with worry in his eyes. I shake my head at the comment.

I've always hated doctors. They look like scientists with their white coats, and it only makes me feel like they are gonna do experiments on me.

"Hey uh, is that your that your babysitter downstairs?", Luke asks in a low whisper. I couldn't help but to jerk my head up at the mention of Cassadee.

"She's for Ally!", I say with a little anger in my voice. "And yes....", looking down at my hands.

"Mate, she's pretty hot!", Calum says with a smile plastered on his face as the other boys nod in agreement.

"Yeah don't touch her!", I immediately regret saying because it made me sound a little to protective. But it was true, I didn't want her to be with anyone else. I wanted her to be with me.

"Woah dude no need to get all protective!", Calum says throwing his hands up as if he was surrendering.

The room was silent for a moment before Michael spoke up. "What's that?", he said pointing to the bell on my bedside table.

"Oh that's just the bell I ring if I need Cassadee to get me something. I don't ring it to often because I don't want her to feel like a butler or a maid or something.", I say shrugging off the question as if it didn't really matter.

"Why don't we call her up?", Calum says grabbing the bell and giving it a light shake causing it to make a sound that was just audible enough to hear from downstairs.

Not even moments later, there is footsteps and the door opens to reveal the beautiful girl that was in my room not even 20 minutes ago.


i'm not even sure what to say in this chapter. well atleast we finally know how ashton feels about cassadee!

i'm going to try and update a lot more since I'm slowly gaining readers!

please tell people about this book so I can get more gorgeous readers!

thanks guys!~~xoxo

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