Chapter 10

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                                                       Janelle's POV

Dear Diary,

So many things have been unraveling since I last wrote. I don't even know where to begin to be honest Diary. Well, I remember when I was little I wanted to know who my real father was. I literally have known him for half of my life. My REAL father is Hakeem! All this time I grew up with him and he stayed quiet of being my father. The real problem is that my mom sent me a letter saying she's still alive. I grew up without a mother thinking that she was dead! Now I wanna know was I a mistake or what? I don't know what to think at this point. As far as I know, I have to find her, I need these answers, I need her warm embrace to hug me and tell me everything is gonna be okay! I need her to be my mother and have her make up all those years that she's missed. She owes me that, and I will get what I want 'cuz I've been suffering TOO long, so I deserve this!

I closed my diary in deep thought of what my next move was. Jacob was on the jet plane seat sleep. He looked so beautiful when he slept. I walked over to him and kissed him on his cheek, he smiled a little which made me happy. He's been there for me the whole time, he is my protector, friend, my Princeton charming and I think my future lover. 

Kinda funny, it was just yesterday when I didn't talk to anyone. Now he just came in the picture and my whole life just turned around. He was like my guardian angel. I just smiled at the thought of it.  

"What are you smiling about?" Jacob asked while rubbing his eyes.  

"You." I replied.  

He grinned. "What about me?"  

"Everything. How you've been there for me just like you promised, your eyes, your smile the way you talk. Just everything about you."   

"J-Janelle? Do you have any kinda of feelings for me?"   

I blushed while debating on what I should say. "Well... Yeah... Yeah I think I am."  

"Janelle I think this is the right time to tell you. I've had a crush on you since the 3rd grade. Janelle, baby I love you. I really do, when I promised to be there for you I meant it. But the only thing that I want to change is not being there for you as a friend, I want to be there for you as your boyfriend. Will you do me the honor of having you as my girlfriend?"  

My jaw just dropped. All this time he liked me and since the 3RD GRADE at that! Wow my diary is just revealing all of my questions in a blink of an eye.   

"Jacob I would LOVE to be your girlfriend. All of this time I've been wanting to be loved and you're gonna give that to me. I don't know what to say or what to think 'cuz I am so grateful to have you in my life and-"   Jacob kissed me.

His lips were so delicate and soft. Our lips moved in sync with each other as we enjoyed it in what seemed like forever. His tongue licked my bottom lip, asking for permission. I opened my mouth slightly, teasing him a bit. He bit my lip a little making me moan and open my mouth widely. Quickly he put his tongue in to explore my mouth. I grazed through his soft curls with my hands as we were kissing. Finally we broke apart, all out of breath. All what we could manage to say was "Wow". Just from that kiss I could tell he was the guy for me.  

                                                           Princeton's POV

That kiss was AMAZING. What makes it even better was that it was with my first crush and it was my first kiss. Life can't get any better than this. Right now Janelle is snuggling up to me sleeping like the perfect angel she is. I pushed back some of her curly hair to see he beautiful face. The steady pace of her heartbeat was like my little lullaby. With that I fell right to sleep so I can be ready to be there for her tomorrow with whatever she needed  

N E X T Day  

I could feel Janelle stirring in her sleep in my arms. She breathed heavily and I immediately opened my eyes to look at her beautiful brown eyes staring at me.  

"Good morning boyfriend" Janelle smiled.  

"Good morning girlfriend. You ready for today?" I asked.  

"Yeah I guess. Just a little nervous is all. We better wake up Zoe and get ready."  

"Okay." I gave her a peck on the lips and let her get ready for the day.  

3 hours later  

The jet finally landed and we were prepared to take on the crazy adventures that were about to take place. Janelle gripped my hand as we were walking towards the Cadillac. I opened the door and let Zoe and Janelle get in first. I got in and Janelle went back to holding my hand.  

"Baby I'm scared." Janelle whispered.  

"Don't be. I'm right here for you. I love you, I won't let anything happen to you." I whispered back as I caressed her face and kissed her.  

She smiled weakly and looked straight ahead.

20 minutes later we were at a beige house. I opened the door and got out and helped the girls get out also. At that moment, Janelle really gripped my hand tight. It felt like the closer we walked, the tighter the grip was. GIRL WAS STRONG if I may add. We were finally on the doorstep and you could literally hear Janelle's heartbeat racing.                                                            

                                                 Janelle's POV

I gulped as my shaking hand turned into a fist to knock on the door. I knocked 3 times and waited. The door opened, revealing my mom.    

"My baby!" She gasped.  

Diaries of a Badass (A Princeton Mindless Behavior Love Story) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now